The Manyfaced One

Jovian Krylov's page

3 posts. Alias of Movin.

Full Name

Jovian Krylov

About Jovian Krylov


WP: 74
Wounds: 17
Fate: 3
Insanity: 1+7
Movement: Half 3, Full 6, Charge 9, Run 12


Trained Skills:
(T) Awareness +20 = 61
(T) Chem use +20= 60
(T) Sholastic lore: Occult= 40
(T) Dodge+ 20= 53
(T) Tech use+10 50
(T) Search 41
(T) Pilot:Military craft 33
(T) Psycience +20 93
(T) Invocation +20 93
(T) Concealment 33
(T) Speak: Low Gothic, Ship Cant
(T) Literacy
(T) Trade: Merchant
(T) Ciphers: War cant

Basic Skills:
(B) Navigation(Stellar)
(B) Pilot: Spacecraft


Paranoia: You gain a +2
bonus on Initiative rolls. In addition, the
GM may secretly Test your Perception
to see if you notice hidden threats.
Unremarkable: Attempts to notice
you when amongst other people or anyone
attempting to describe you or recall details
about you incurs a –20 penalty.
Light sleeper: You are always assumed to be awake,
even if you are asleep, for the purposes
of making Awareness Tests, being
Surprised or getting up in a hurry.


If you got some special abilities or things you can do, please list those here, from book, history, purchases, etc. Background stuff you might be awarded, etc. List what it is, descript. and/or reference it by book/pg.

Type up your history, if you took any background packages, please list them here and where I can find them/what they do.
Background(s) taken:

***Here list the name, reference it for me, no need for cost, thats in XP section. A short description, just detail the benefits/penalties.

Standard Issue:

_____________Ranged Weapons______________
1. Astartes Bolt Pistol Pistol 30m S/3/– 2d10+9 X 5 14 Full Tearing

****If you have any attachments, then list them here. I know the wpn qualities, so no need to describe them, but you could if you can't remember each.

******If your weapon is a special pattern and/or has additional abilities/restriction/stuff we should know, then please list that here with the weapon, but when posting, you only need to list the basic profile, not extra stuff that doesn't apply to your actions.

_____________Melee Weapons_____________
1. Astartes Combat Knife Melee 1d10+2+(SB __) R 2

***I add a place here in the wpn profile for (SB) Strength bonus to be added to stats, makes it easier and you can do it before game to make posting the attacks with wpn profile easier.

1. 3-Astartes Frag Grenades Thrown SBx3 S/–/– 2d10 X 0 Blast (5)
2. 3-Astartes Krak Grenades Thrown SBx3 S/–/– 3d10+4 X 6

****Here you may include the base weapon stats, and if you get stuff that adds damage to your melee/ranged attacks or does something else, then add it here into the profile. I'd ask that when you use the weapon in combat, then please cut/paste it here so I can see and its easy for me to calculate stuff.


***Don't need to list the entire description, just the basics, if its really special, reference it so we can both check it when/if needed.

***Don't need to list the entire description, just the basics, if its really special, reference it so we can both check it when/if needed.

_____________Special Ammo_____________

***Don't need to list the entire description, just the basics, if its really special, reference it so we can both check it when/if needed.

___________________Background Packages___________________

Living Nightmare 300 exp (Inquisitors handbook)

___________________Characteristic Advances ___________________

Weapon Skill x3 850
Ballistic Skill
Strength x2 750
Toughness x1 250
Intelligence x2 350
Perception x2 350
Willpower x4 1600

___________________Rank Advances___________________

Rank 1 500
Awareness 100
Unremarkable 100
Sound constitution 200
Scholastic lore occult 100

Rank 2 800
Chem use 100
Deceive 100
Light sleeper 100
Rapid reload 100
Psy Rank 2 200
Leap up 100
Forbidden lore: Psykers 100

Rank 3 900
Awareness +10 100
Dodge 100
Tech use 100
Ambidextrous 100
Blind fighting 100
Basic weapon training SP 100
Die hard 100
Sound constitution 200
Melee weapon training: Shock

Rank 4 1200
Chem use +10 100
Dodge +10 100
Crippling strike 100
Crushing blow 100
Iron Jaw 100
Power well 200
Sound constitution 200
Psy rank 3 200

Alternate Rank Temple Calix Secundus 1200

Acrobatics 100
Two weapon wielder melee 100
Sound con X2 300
Swift attack 200
Discipline focus(Bio) 200
Lightning attack 300
Psychic Power 200

Rank 6 1300
Chem use+20 100
Decieve +10 100
Sure strike 100
True grit 100
Disipline focus (Biomancy) 200
Psy rank 4 200
Sound constitution 200
Scrutiny 100

Rank7 1100
Dodge +20 100
Awareness +20 100
Concealment 100
Sound constitution 200
Power well 200
Speak Lang: High Gothic 100
Medicae 100

Rank 8 1600
Deceive+20 100
Armor of contempt 100
Strong minded 100
Mental fortress 100
Total recall 100
Foresight 100
Discipline focus 200
Psy rating 5 200
Sound constitution 200
Favored by the warp 200
Psychic power x1 100

Ascendant Primaris 1400
Warp lore mastery (+20 Psy, +20invocation+20 forbidden lore warp) 400
Ascendant power -Malleus hammerhands- 1000

Rank 5 850 alternate rank selection. (Lost rank)
Search 100+50
Pilot: Military craft 100+50
Tech use +10 100+50
Basic weapon training bolt 100+50
Demolition 200+50