Aldern Foxglove

Jossem Rook's page

98 posts. Alias of Enchanter Tim.

Full Name

Jossem Rook




Aristocrat 1/Archaeologist 1 (HP 13/13 | F+0, R+5, W+4 | AC 13/13/10 | Init +3, Percep +5, SM +4)








English, Arabic, French

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Jossem Rook

Jossem Rook
Male Human Aristocrat 1 Bard (Archaeologist) 1
N Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +5, Sense Motive +4

AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 13 (2d8+1)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Sword cane +1 (1d6+1/x2)
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 1):

Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14

Racial Abilities
Extra Feat
Skilled: +1 skill point per level

Class Abilities
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (6 rounds/day) (Ex): +1 Luck bonus to attack, damage, saves, and all skills.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex): Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.

Fast Learner: +1 Skill Point and +1 Hit Point each level as a favored class bonus or an alternate favored class bonus
Lingering Performance: Performance effects remain for 2 rounds after the performance is ended.

Extremely Fashionable: +1 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate if wearing more than 150gp worth of clothing and/or jewels
Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind: +1 to Disable Device and it becomes a class skill

Appraise +5, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +6, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge (geography) +2, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (planes) +2, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +5, Perception +5, Ride +7, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7

Languages English, Arabic, Persian/Farsi
SQ Archaeologist's luck +1 (6 rounds/day), bardic knowledge
Other Gear Sword cane, Noble's outfit, Cufflinks, Pocket Watch, Hat, Signet ring, 25 GP

Basic Background:

Jossem Rook grew up in the city of London to a the wealthy Rook family. While the Rooks made their money building and owning ships, Jossem wanted something different to finance his lifestyle. He became enamored in stories of the ancient cities of Egypt and Babylon. He used his family’s connections to gain entrance to the University College of London to study Antiquities. While no genius, Jossem acquitted himself reasonably well at his studies, even traveling to Egypt on an excavation. When he returned, he easily got himself a job doing the boring work of cataloging various artifacts the University collected. While he has performed serious examination of the artifacts, he has also managed to expand the Rook Family’s private art and artifact collection a few pieces at a time. Jossem also fences a few items now and then to finance his lifestyle. Jossem takes care to select only items that no one would miss and would sit their entire lives in University storage.

Recent Events:

Jossem closed his books and looked at the time. Damn, I didn’t realize it was so late. Mary will be furious if we miss the show. He shoved the books into the drawer of his cluttered desk and grabbed his coat. He checked the mirror down the hall and combed his hair. It wouldn’t do to show up at Mary’s door looking disheveled, and he didn’t have time to return home anymore. After all, I have a reputation to keep up. What would people say if one of the Rooks showed up to a function looking like rabble. They might actually think about things before they take our money! He chuckled to himself and winked at his reflection in the mirror.

He picked up the items he had been cataloguing from his desk and placed them back onto the cart. It was laden with items from expeditions in Egypt and the Transjordan area. Most of them were items of pottery, small trinkets, or even utensils. There were, however, a few rings and a couple daggers on the cart as well. The largest piece was an ancient scimitar found by Dr. Westone several years ago during his excavation near Alexandria. Jossem secured everything in the cart, making sure none of the pottery would fall out. He carefully wheeled the cart out of his office and down the hall. It was already dark outside, but there was enough light streaming from a few offices for him to easily make his way around the corridors of the Antiquities Department of the University College of London. It appeared several of his colleagues were also working late.

As he turned the corner into the Artifact Holding Area, a dark figure came right at him. The archaeologist jumped back and made a small shout. ”Relax, Joss, it’s just me!” the figure laughed. ”The Whitechapel Murderer goes after women, you know. You’re not that pretty!” The figure walked into the light, revealing a skinny fellow in a patchwork coat. He was grinning and laughing.

”Bloody Night, Rory! You scared me half to death. And yes, I know I’m not the type for the murderer. Still doesn’t mean I expect a dark shadow to come after me! What the hell are you doing in the dark?” Jossem tried to peer past the man, but it was too dark to see. ”Eh, I didn’t feel like lighting the lamps. I just needed to grab this scroll anyway. Professor Fitzroy and I are comparing some of the wording to a tablet found near the Ottoman border. He thinks he remembered similar phrasing. Who knows. Hey, don’t you have Mary have tickets t-” Joss cut him off. ”Yes, and if I don’t go now, she’ll have my hide. See you, mate.” He pushed the cart farther down the hall and lit a few lamps. It would be nice when the College put in those new electric lamps. He looked back to make sure Rory was gone. I wonder what he was up to? Probably nothing but...

Joss grabbed the scimitar and walked down the corridor and down the stairs. Reaching the storage area, he looked around for anything out of place. Nothing. He walked to the area for items waiting for storage. Ah, here we go. Joss picked up a silver ring from the 5th century and a small gold-covered statuette. Both were tagged that they had been catalogued already and were prepped for storage. And the others questioned why I would take so many hours in the dusty Collections section of the Department. Well, a Rook needs to finance himself somehow, right? Field excavations were great, but they don’t pay much. And with Jossem’s father sinking more investments into new shipping routes, a fair bit of spending cash was more than welcome. He tucked the two items into his coat and shifted the others to keep the space regular. Not that anyone will notice. These are just going to the warehouse.

He extinguished the lamps and walked out of the storage and holding areas. Grabbing his walking cane and hat as he passed his office again, he quickened his pace leaving the University. It was pouring outside, so he ran to the carriages.

Damn, we’re going to be late. Mary will have a fit.


Jossem is a man of middling height and weight, though he has learned that power and influence are not owned by larger men. A wealthy Rook, he is always seen dressed in fine, stylish clothing, tailored to fit and impeccably clean. Even when he is sitting in his dull office at the University amid dusty pieces of pottery, he has an air of style and substance which can make others who are of a lower station feel uncomfortable. With his upbringing and his studies, there are little subjects that Jossem does not have significant knowledge about. Joss is a friendly and agreeable fellow though, making friends all over the University and the city at large. He knows the importance of a large network and knowing just the man for any favor. The wealthy and noble ladies of London also know Jossem, though most in a more scandalous manner. He is both the picture of an English gentleman and a charming scoundrel who can talk women into all sorts of trouble. He is usually seen with his steel capped walking cane, embossed with the Rook Family emblem, a gift from his grandfather.