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Jorgon Dunn's page

42 posts. Organized Play character for numbat1.


| HP 21/21 RP 2/2 Hero 1/3 | AC 16 TAC 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +3| Perc: +3


| Speed 25ft | Active conditions: None.


Male NG Human (Kelish) Rogue 1

About Jorgon Dunn

Jorgon Dunn
Male human rogue 1
Good, Human, Humanoid
Percep +3
Defense HP 21 Hero Points 1 Res 2
TAC 15; AC 16
Fort +2 (+3 to recovery saves.); Ref +6; Will +3
Speed 25 ft.
Str 10 (+0); Dex 18 (+4); Con 12 (+1); Int 14 (+2); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 12 (+1)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +1, Crafting +3, Deception +2, Diplomacy +2, Hunting Lore +3, Intimidation +2, Performance +2, Society +3, Stealth +5, Thievery +5, Underworld Lore +4
Feats General Training, Intimidating Glare, Nimble Dodge, Toughness
Languages Common, Kelish
Other Abilities sneak attack, surprise attack
Other Gear leather, dagger, shortsword, sling, backpack, belt pouch, chalks (5), chalks (5), flint and steel, [i]minor healing potion[/i], rations (day)s (2), silk rope (foot)s (50), sling bullets (20), thieves' tools, waterskin, purse (50 sp, 3 cp)

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