Jorgen van Tollenbock's page

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Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Seattle

So, a question on how reporting actually works.
A character dies in a session, and the rest of the party succeeds in the scenario. The dead character's player gets to immediately start a new character, and apply one of the game upgrades to the new character. How is that tracked on chronicles (for the player) and tracking sheets (for the organizer)? I can't report the same player twice on the same tracker, but otherwise, their new character gets a deck upgrade that'll never be collected on a tracking sheet. Is the new character just reported on a single-player failure version of the first tracker? The example of reporting results really needs to include this.


Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Seattle

Hi, card gamers!

I'm happy to announce that Kevin Hanley has stepped into the role of Venture-Lieutenant for the ACG in St. Louis, Missouri! Now that class decks are easily obtained in our local game stores, and that barrier to entry has dropped, Kevin has ran some very successful card game events. He's very enthusiastic, and it's kind of infectious. Hopefully he'll be able to get the ACG going in a few more stores in our area! If you see him, say hi, and bonus points to you if you help him shuffle the location decks.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Seattle

Hi, Pathfinders!

I'm happy to announce that Josh Hancock has officially been appointed as an RPG Venture-Lieutenant for St. Louis, Missouri! Josh has been an integral part of our community for years now, and I'm beyond pleased that he wants to step up into the role. He's become a fantastic GM through his time adventuring with us, so hopefully you can catch him at a table at GenCon!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Seattle

I'm happy to announce that Eric Jackson (CireJack), a long-time member of our community, has successfully earned his 5th star! Eric's really pulled some amazing feats in his pursuit of the final star, including attending multiple conventions on the same weekend, over a hundred miles apart! He's an absolutely pleasure to play with on both sides of the table, and I hope that more of you will have the chance!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Seattle

I'm happy to announce that our Venture-Lieutenant, Nathan King, has recently achieved his 5th GM star! Quite the accomplishment, especially for someone that only started tabletop gaming back in April of 2012!

Congrats, Nathan!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Seattle

I'm pleased to announce that Nathan King is stepping into the role of Venture-Lieutenant for St. Louis, MO!

Since becoming involved with Pathfinder Society in April 2012, Nathan has put an amazing amount of work into the campaign. Not only does he do a fantastic job at convention organizing (like the area saw with his Too Poor for GenCon event last year), but he's also already a 4-star GM!

Congratulations, Nathan!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

When a session is reported, a link is provided to the page of each character that was already registered to a player's account.

If the session is edited, though, perhaps to change an erroneous character number, that link is not updated, and still points to the old character's page.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Would it be at all possible to make a player's PFS data downloadable in an easy-to-parse format?

I'm asking because a friend and I are in the process of writing a local database to organize what scenarios have been played, so that we can automatically marshal tables based on who's in attendance. We're meeting a lot of resistance from players who find it too time-consuming to enter in all of their information by hand.

If this isn't possible, I definitely understand, but it would certainly be convenient. :)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Seattle

How many PCs have you fine GMs killed in the final encounter of The Dalsine Affair?

I was GMing a Tier 6-7 table this week where one PC dropped or died per round, the whole party feeling that a visit with Pharasma was in their near future. I don't seek to kill PCs, but I do roll my dice in the open and let what happens happen. Even if I was the sort to tweak die rolls, there's only so much you can say when that many dice hit the table.

That's two dead in St. Louis. Let's total some numbers, here!