Description:Jon is a tall, powerfully built man with yellow-red hair and green eyes. He is plainly dressed in sturdy clothing. He usually stands in a confidently, relaxed pose, arms crossed, but his darting eyes betray a mistrust of the world.
Ability Scores and HP:
15 pt buy. Str 14 +2 race (5) Dex 13 (3) Con 14 (5) Int 10 (0) Wis 12 (2) Ch 10 (0)
The fighter's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
My 10 chosen expert class skills are: Acrobatics (D), Appraise (I), Diplomacy (Ch), Escape Artist (D), Heal (W), Perception (W), Knowledge(Nature) (I) , Knowledge(?) (I), Stealth (D), Sense Motive (W)
Languages- Common
Feats and Traits and Fighterness:
Armor Expert: When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit's armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0.
Exile: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
1st Level : Weapon Focus Greatsword +1 to hit
3rd : Power Attack -x to hit +x on damage one handed, +2x on damage two handed. x </= strength bonus
Fighter Traits or bonus feats:
Ftr 1st: Improved Unarmed combat
Ftr 2nd: Overhand Chop double strength damage
Ftr 3rd: Armour training: +1 to AC, -1 on Armour check penalty
Current Load: {Limits: 86 Light lbs. or less 173 Medium lbs. 260 Heavy lbs.}
Combat weight 51 ; Total Load 52
MW Chain Shirt
MW greatsword
silvered dagger
L. Mace
MW Shortbow
20 arrows
Fighter kit :(a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.)
Third son of a poor freeholder, Jon grew up knowing the farm was not big enough to split between the boys and the land still vacant around the village was only fertile enough to let a man scratch out a living. So it was always apparent that Jon would have to seek out a trade. Nothing interested him much, and many masters wouldn't have taken the infamously headstrong youth on anyway, so it seemed fortuitous circumstance when the local lord required each family to provide a man to fight in a local dispute.
Although constantly resentful of authority, Jon took to the fightingman's life for its satisfyingly physical exercise and the free time it left him when off duty. When the local lord was beaten and his force disbanded, Jon fell in with a small mercenary band. The professional fighters honed his skills and together they travelled the land seeking conflict and making a good wage which was mostly spent on equipment.
Jon left the band when word reached him that his father was ill and the family needed money for healing. He stayed a few months, but somehow home didn't fit him any more. The constant chores wore at his patience. His sense of humor was darker. People often looked sidelong at him after a joke.
He left the farm again, determined to form and lead his own band of fighters. Luck and his personality were against him however. Despite his combat skills he was not suited for command. After picking the losing side in another combat, he is once again alone, getting low on cash, and looking for work.