Jokon Yew |
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Does an Arcanist count as a wizard or sorcerer or neither? The Arcanist is a blend of Wizard and Sorcerer. Feats may work a little differently. For example, Expanded Arcana, instead of adding to the list of "Spells Known" for a sorcerer with a list of spells known, It adds to an Arcanist the number of "slots" or spells an arcanist can prepare.
All of the advanced classes count as both for purposes of effects that are dependent on their constituent classes. That is, an arcanist is considered a wizard and a sorceror. This means that you can't multiclass arcanist/wizard, as the arcanist is already a wizard. This is particularly potent for a bloodrager, as there are numerous items that grant barbarian rage powers (which are usable per the bloodrage ability as that qualifies as rage for all effects that affect it).
Where did you find your writing that Expanded Arcana does that for arcanists? I'm pretty sure that since arcanists prepare spells, they can't take the Expanded Arcana feat. They cast spontaneously, but don't actually have a list of spells known. Spell Mastery is not valid RAW, but it's more in line with the type of feat you're looking for.
Some comments that I need to preface by saying: The first few levels of arcanist are particularly painful. You get so few spells known and so few slots that levels 1-3 are excruciating. Level 5 or 6 is where the class takes off.
Arcanists prepare spells from a spellbook. They don't have any problems with spells known that aren't solvable with gold in PFS.