Spring-Heeled Jack

John W Johnson's page

Organized Play Member. 195 posts (203 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 23 Organized Play characters.

Pathfinders, it's time to gather for Michigan’s newest convention, Midwest Media Expo! This high-profile event will be hosted from April 25th to 27th at the GM Renaissance Center in Downtown Detroit. In addition to Pathfinder Society action, there are many different attractions to draw your interest. The Expo offers multiple media tracks, including fandom, film, cosplay, comic books, video games and of course, tabletop games like Pathfinder!

We’re going to run scenarios from across Season 5, as well as both We Be Goblins! and We Be Goblins, Too! The ever-dangerous Ruins of Bonekeep, Level One: The Silent Grave is also scheduled on Saturday.

We are looking for a few dedicated GMs to help out. This is a new convention, and their requirements for a complimentary weekend pass aren't light. In order to earn free admission, you will need to volunteer for 4 sessions. Sign-ups for both players and GMs can be found on Warhorn. We want Pathfinder Society to make a big footprint at this convention, and we hope you can be there with us.

Pre-registration for the convention is currently open. Weekend passes for Midwest Media Expo are available for $40 ($45 after March 3rd) or $50 dollars at the door (single day passes are also available). Check out all the details at http://www.midwestmediaexpo.com/registration.php.

Schedule -
Friday Session 1 (2:30pm-6:30pm):
We Be Goblins! (Tier 1)
We Be Goblins Too! (Tier 3)
PFS#5-14 Day of the Demon (Tier 3-7)

Friday Session 2 (7pm-11pm):
PFS#5-17 Fate of the Fiend (Tier 7-11)
PFS#5-08 The Confirmation (Tier 1-5)

Saturday Session 1 (9am-1pm):
PFS#5-02 The Wardstone Patrol (Tier 3-7)
PFS#5-12 Destiny of the Sands Part 1 (Tier 1-5)
PFS#5-13 Weapon in the Rift (Tier 5-9)

Saturday Session 1 (1pm-6pm)
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1 (PFS Exclusive 12:30pm-6:30pm Tier 3-7)
PFS#5-15 Destiny of the Sands Part 2 (Tier 1-5)
PFS#5-07 Port Godless (Tier 5-9)

Saturday Session 3 (7pm-11pm)
PFS#5-04 The Stolen Heir (Tier 1-5)
PFS#5-16 Destiny of the Sands Part 3 (Tier 3-7)

Sunday Session 1 (8am-12pm)
PFS#5-01The Glass River Rescue (Tier 1-5)
PFS#5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (Tier 3-7)
PFS#5-06 You Have What You Hold (Tier 3-7)

Sunday Session 2 (1pm-5pm):
PFS#5-11 Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5)
PFS#5-03 The Hellknight's Feast (Tier 5-9)
PFS#5-10 Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (Tier 7-11)

Hopefully we can make this convention a success and push for even more space for Pathfinder Society next year!

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