
John Kerpan's page

Goblinworks Executive Founder. RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Star Voter. 281 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I am creating a character in RotRL from a rolled stat array of:
STR: 13
DEX: 14
CON: 12
INT: 15
WIS: 9
CHA: 8

Turns out to be a 14 point buy, not too great but could be worse.

My thoughts were:
INT Classes are obviously a good place to start. By being human, elf, half-elf or half-orc I could raise the INT to 17, and that would not be too bad at all. I would prefer a alchemist, but wizard would be fine. I am not very familiar (hah-hah) with witches, but I could give it a try. Being an Inquisitor would also be new, but with all my boni on the physical side, it would not be too silly

DEX is not too bad either: Skill-monkey rogue or Bard could be possible. same races as above. If I want a solid all around character I could even be a dwarf, sinking my CHA, but rounding out by CON and making my WIS positive.

WIS based classes are straight out, unless they have an option to make the primary stat INT.

STR: Not a good option, but by adding to it with Human, Half-Elf or Half-orc I could be a fabled Skill-useful fighter. I also considered Ranger, since as a only partial casting class, I would not need WIS until I could maybe afford some items that help me out.

Any thoughts, especially considering how well the character would fit into RotRL

Hello everyone!

I am GMing a group of six people, though usually only 4 or 5 can be there at any given time. The party consists of: Druid, Monk, Ranger, Sorcerer, Cleric, and Rogue.

The Monk was using a sort of combined 3.5/PF Vows of This and That thing, but has recently thought about making a new character that fits more completely into the PF rule set, and was wondering what he should be.

I suggested maybe a Barbarian or other big, strong, full BAB type character, otherwise there could be some problems with a group that is hard pressed to actually hit and deal damage. He wanted to be a second rogue because the rogue player is one of the two who does not often make it, and the trapfinding/disabling abilities of his have been quite useful to them. He is not completely tied to that idea though.

I was wondering what the range of opinions was here on the boards. Again, in a party that is composed of a Druid, a Ranger, and a Sorcerer, with a Paladin and Rogue occasionally present, what character do you think would help round out the party?