Taergan Flinn

John "Jack" McAllaster's page

1 post. Alias of Scaffold Kane.

About John "Jack" McAllaster

John McAllaster
Male Half-elf Mastermind Investigator 1
Init +5; Senses; Low-light Vision, Perception +10, Sense Motive +8
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
(10 base, +3 dex, +3 armor, +0 shield, +0 deflection, +0 natural, +0 dodge)
Hp 11 (1d8 + 2 con + 1 FC)
Fort +2 (+0 base, +2 con)
Ref +5 (+2 base, +3 dex)
Will +3 (+2 base, +1 wis)
Speed 30 ft.
Unarmed +6 (+1 BaB, +5 dex) (1d6+0/x2)
Weapon + (1d+/x2)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0;
CMB +1;
CMD 14 (10 base + 0 BaB + 1 str + 3 dex + 0 dodge + 0 trait)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Acrobatics 1 [+15] (1 rank + 5 dex + 3 class + 2 competence + 1 trait + 3 feat)
Bluff 1 [+6] (1 rank + 2 cha + 3 class)
Climb 1 [+8] (1 rank + 4 wis + 3 class)
Disguise 1 [+6] (1 rank + 2 cha + 3 class)
Escape Artist [+9] (1 rank + 5 dex + 3 class)
Perception 1 [+10] (1 rank + 4 wis + 3 class + 2 race)
Sense Motive 1 [+8] (1 rank + 4 wis + 3 class)
Stealth 1 [+10] (1 rank + 5 dex + 3 class + 1 trait)

Background Skills
Knowledge (Local) [+4] (1 rank + 0 int + 3 class)
Linguistics 1 [+4] (1 rank + 0 int + 3 class)

Languages Teldane, Polyglot, Elven
Special Abilities
Favored Class Investigator
Traits Student of Philosophy (Social)
Combat Gear Scimitar
Other Gear Backpack, Hot Weather Outfit, Courtier's Outfit and Jewelry, Gold Etched Ring, Disguise Kit, Map of the Stolen Lands; 0 pp, 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Encumbrance 0 – 33 lbs; 34 – 66; 67 – 100; [Current Weight: 25 lbs/ Light Load]

Special Abilities
Elven Immunities (Race): +2 saves against enchantments, immune to sleep effects.
Keen Senses (Race): +2 to Perception.
Adaptability (Race): Skill Focus as a bonus feat at level 1.
Low-light Vision (Race): Can see twice as far as a human in dim light.
Elf Blood (Race): Count as both human and elf for all effects based on race.
Desert Affinity (Race): +4 stealth in deserts.
Family Ties (Drawback): When family asks something of you, take a –2 penalty on wisdom and charisma skill checks until you have done the task or succeed a DC 20 will save.
Noble Born (Campaign Trait): +1 CMD and Stealth.
Wisdom in the Flesh (Religion Trait): Choose a physical based skill (Climb) and use wisdom instead of the ability normally used.
Group Fighter (Regiinal Trait): +1 trait bonus to attack when flanking.
Acrobat (Social Trait): +1 trait bonus to Acrobatics and may perform an accelerated climb at only a -2 penalty.
Sneak Attack +1d6 (Rogue Ability): Deal an extra 1d6 damage to a creature that is flanked or denied its dex bonus to AC.
Expert Acrobat (Rogue Ability): No armor check penalty on acrobatics, climb, fly, sleight of hand, or stealth while wearing light armor. Gain a +2 competence bonus on acrobatics and fly while in no armor.
Finesse Training (Rogue Ability): Gain weapon finesse at level 1 as a bonus feat.
AC Bonus (Monk Ability): Gain wisdom bonus as a bonus to all ACs and CMD.
Unarmed Strike (Monk Ability): Treated as having Improved Unarmed Strike and all unarmed strikes deal 1d6 damage.
Flurry of Blows (Monk Ability): Gain extra attack at highest attack bonus with unarmed strikes and monk weapons as a full attack.
Stunning Fist (Monk Ability): Gain Stunning Fist as a bonus feat.
Skill Focus (Acrobatics) (Half-elf Bonus Feat): +3 to acrobatics, +6 at 10 ranks.
Weapon Finesse (Rogue Bonus Feat): Use dexterity instead of strength when using light weapons and certain other weapons.
Stunning Fist (Monk Bonus Feat): DC 14 to stun with unarmed strike 1/day.
Dodge (Monk Bonus Feat): +1 dodge bonus to AC.
Mobility (Level 1 Feat): +4 dodge bonus to AC while moving.
Sap Adept (Level 1 Bonus Feat): When sneak attacking and doing nonlethal damage with a bludgeoning weapon, do extra damage equal to twice the sneak attack dice rolled.

Physical Description:

Jack is not much taller than the average man, nor is he much stockier. Honestly, aside from being someone more toned, he isn't particularly remarkable in the way of build. He's still a handsome man, though. He has a square chin, thin and pointed nose, and very defined facial features. If it weren't for his pointed ears and slighter features, you'd almost mistaken him for a human, or half-elf at the very least.


Jack was born a little over a century ago, the son of a less-than middle class elf man who had recently wed a half-elf woman. Though over half of the blood running through his veins is elf, Jack may as well be full-blooded elf in genetics. It didn’t take long for Jack’s intellect to begin shining bright at a very young age. Solving problems of both pure reason and of retention became not only something he excelled at, but something he thoroughly enjoyed. Though he wasn’t a prodigy, he was far advanced in any studies he was given, even in comparison to the elven children his age.
As Jack grew into school age, his less than muscular build paired with his habit of humiliating his peers intellectually made him the target of much bullying. While Jack couldn’t find a way to fight back, he became adept at avoiding the hits thrown at him. He wasn’t incredible in even these aspects, but his uncanny ability to predict the movements of others and understand them even better than the person making them made dealing with his peers a little easier.

As Jack aged into his teenage-elf years, he slowly gained the respect of many of his peers. The bullying slowed and he began to be recognized for his raw intellect, though it was by this time that his lessons bored him to the point of not caring. Instead, he practiced with the rapier. His quick thinking and ability to fool others easily made up for his less-than-warrior-like strength, instead focusing his abilities on speed and reflexes. Eventually, it became his pride and joy.

It was at about this point that Jack gave up on his lessons altogether, which won the heavy disappointment of his family who simply couldn’t understand Jack’s disinterest. When Jack turned eighteen, he left his parent’s residence to make it on his own. He would make money with the many skills and the vast knowledge he had picked up throughout his years and prove that he was some sort of exception to the rules his parents had laid out for him. He used what money he had saved in that time to buy a chess board, a rapier, and some adventuring gear with nothing more than a shirt of chainmail that had been passed down to him from his father’s elven side, but not before spending a month or two traveling from place to place looking for a place to start his scheme. One such scheme involved a particularly embarrassing trek in the desert, but Jack doesn't like talking about that particular adventure.

Even after this, though, Jack itched for more…