
Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bat!'s page

38 posts. Organized Play character for Mustachioed.


Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 224/224 HP; Init +8; Perception +21; Darkvision 90, Low Light, Blindsense 20; [AC 30][Touch 19][FF 28]; [Fort 19][Reflex 16][Will 13],[CMD:43, vs grapple 45],[Minutes of Minor Aspect 17/17], [Hours of Major Aspect 17/17]








Chaotic Good

Strength 23
Dexterity 14
Constitution 22
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 6

About Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bat!

Johann Kaltgeboren--Bear Form
(translated: John Coldborn)

Stats assume these buffs:
+4 strength from beast shape II large size,
-2 dexterity from beast shape II large size,
+4 natural armor from beast shape II large size,
large size: CMD and CMB benefits, -1 to attack, -1 AC
5 ft reach only
Middle-aged template (-1 str,dex,con, +1 intel, wis, char)
+2 wisdom skinwalker
minor form (bat): darkvision 90
minor form (bear): +4 enhancement to Con.

bat: blindsense 20, fly 60 (good), Flyby attack feat, bite d8
improved bite: up to 2d6

Init +8; Perception +21; Darkvision 90; Blindsense 20; Low-Light Vision; Scent; Endurance Feat or Climb Speed 20 (skinwalker trait)
AC: 30 (2 dex, 5 1/2 wisdom bonus+3, 4 natural armor, -1 size, 3 deflection, 7 armor) Touch: 19 (2 dex, 5 1/2 wisdom bonus+3, -1 size, 3 deflection) Flat: 28 (4 natural armor, 5 1/2wisdom bonus+3, -1 size, 3 deflection, 7 armor)

HP 224/224 (140 class, 84 con)

Fort +19 (+10 base, +5 stat, +4 cloak), Ref +16 (base +10, +2 stat, +4 cloak), Will +13 (base +5, +4 stat, +4 cloak)

CMD: 43 (10+ BAB 14+ Str 6+ Dex 2 +7(wisdom bonus +3), +1 size,+3 deflection)
Grapple CMD: 45 (improved grapple)

Base Atk +14/+9/+5
CMB: 21 (BAB 14 + Str 6+ 1 size), Grapple: 23 (+2 improved grapple), Maintain grapple: 30 (+5 standard, +2 kraken style)

Speed 30 ft.


Bite is magic, good, silver, & cold iron.NOTE: holy amulet. extra 2d6 if enemy is evil.

No power attack:

[dice=Bite Attack 1 & damage]d20+22; 2d6+12+2d6[/dice] str 6 bab 13 size-1 amulet 3; 1.5str 9 amulet 3 amulet 2d6 good
[dice=Bite Attack 2 & damage]d20+22-5; 2d6+12+2d6[/dice] str 6 bab 13 size-1 amulet 3; 1.5str 9 amulet 3 amulet 2d6 good
[dice=Bite Attack 2 & damage]d20+22-10; 2d6+12+2d6[/dice] str 6 bab 13 size-1 amulet 3; 1.5str 9 amulet 3 amulet 2d6 good

Power attack

[dice=Bite PA Attack 1 & damage]d20+19; 2d6+21+d6[/dice] str 6 bab 13 pwrattk -3 size-1 amulet 3; 1.5str 9 pwrattk 9 amulet 3 amulet 2d6 good
[dice=Bite PA Attack 2 & damage]d20+19-5; 2d6+21+d6[/dice] str 6 bab 13 pwrattk -3 size-1 amulet 3; 1.5str 9 pwrattk 9 amulet 3 amulet 2d6 good
[dice=Bite PA Attack 3 & damage]d20+19-10; 2d6+21+d6[/dice] str 6 bab 13 pwrattk -3 size-1 amulet 3; 1.5str 9 pwrattk 9 amulet 3 amulet 2d6 good

power attack improved vital strike
[dice=Bite PA improved vital strike & damage]d20+19; 6d6+21+2d6[/dice] str 6 bab 13 pwrattk -3 size-1 amulet 3; 1.5str 9 pwrattk 9 amulet 3 amulet 2d6 good

All other crunch: see primary alias