Joe Cirillo 153's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Joe Cirillo.

Scarab Sages

Customer Service,

Please cancel my Pathfinder Modules, Adventure Path, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, and Player Companion subscriptions.



Scarab Sages


I have never received this order and records show that it was mailed out on January 21st. I would like to think that I should have had it by now. Can you please confirm if it has been shipped out and reship if need be.

Many thanks,

Joe Cirillo
1213 Sycamore Lane
Mahwah, NJ 07430

Scarab Sages


I am just curious if material from Gods & Magic (spells, feats, and equipment) will be incorporated into PFS Society campaign.

Scarab Sages


Order 947881 has been in 'shipping' status since 4/25. Could you please confirm if the order has been shipped out and if so..on what date?


Joe Cirillo