Cannon Golem

Joe Cirillo's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

Customer Service,

Please cancel my Pathfinder Modules, Adventure Path, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, and Player Companion subscriptions.



Scarab Sages

I love Dark Heresy as well. If there are any openings, please count me in!

Scarab Sages


I have never received this order and records show that it was mailed out on January 21st. I would like to think that I should have had it by now. Can you please confirm if it has been shipped out and reship if need be.

Many thanks,

Joe Cirillo
1213 Sycamore Lane
Mahwah, NJ 07430

Scarab Sages

Navdi wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
If I were to pick up (or play in) PFS modules, I don't need a complex storyline -- no matter how well it would be written; I want an easy-to-run adventure in which the "action" can start right from the start. I reserve complex storylines over-arcing campaign plots to my home games, and that's enough for me.
Where did you get the idea that a living campaign should be a series of unrelated one-shots? Just curious. To me a living campaign is something that breathes and develops. Where the actions of player characters matter and affect the world. This is the main reason I'm involved in the Pathfinder Society in the first place. If I wanted to play a series of unrelated, no-brainer monster bashes, I'd play WoW or DD4. Perhaps you should look into those?

Well put! After playing, gming, writing for, and coordinating living campaigns since 1994, this is the first time I ever heard that some players and GMs do NOT want a story in a living campaign.

Scarab Sages

As a former Plot Director for Living City (the very first ongoing campaign of this nature), Metaorganization Director for Blackmoor, Invisible King (plot coordinator for a specific region) for the Living Arcanis campaign, and a tournament author for other campaigns, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having ongoing story arcs in a campaign.

Golarion has so much rich and vibrant material in such a short period of time (which I find impressive), it is a bit of a shame that it is really not being utilized. There is barely any political intrigue, moral challenges/quandries, or riveting NPCs to deal with in the current slate of PFS events. That is what made past ongoing campaign popular and had players have 'vested interests' in the characters they are playing because they are making an impact on the overall arc...not the same ol' combat after combat encounters (I had at least 5 combats in one of the GenCon mods...absolutely ridiculous) which is plaguing the campaign right now.

Every event doesnt have to be a 'story event'. One shots are the norm in campaigns that have multiple plotlines to break things up a bit...but they could also be meaningful as well instead of the atypical dungeon crawl. For those detractors of metaplot and want PFS to remain in the status quo, all I can really say is, it has worked succesfully in the past with little complaint. If they want to see samples of mods with a true story behind it, some campaigns like and Shining Jewel (dont recall the website) allow their adventures to be downloaded for free.

If PFS is going to be adding more 'metaplot' to spicen the campaign up (which I am totally for), I hope that they will be able to slow down the leveling pace of the player characters (as I know my main will be retiring once 3 months worth of future mods are released), so they can actually see a storyline through.

Scarab Sages

Isn't one of the purposes of the Pathfinder Society is to see which faction comes ahead? This would make it totally counterproductive and completely skew the results.

I think PFS is getting very close to becoming just like LFR...and I don't mean that in a good way (no offense to anybody who finds this insulting). There is very little roleplaying to be had in the PFS events as of late (as it just seems to be as string of 3 or 4 combat encounters back to back as opposed to dealing with intriguing NPCs and overcoming moral challenges). The plots are juvenile at best..basically non world specific plots that can be put in any campaign besides Golarion. I would much rather focus on the depth and quality of the mods and bring it up to par with the quality of the Pathfinder adventure paths, for example, than the concept of re-play. The first year arc of the Living Arcanis campaign is a prime example of what can be achieved.

Scarab Sages


I am just curious if material from Gods & Magic (spells, feats, and equipment) will be incorporated into PFS Society campaign.

Scarab Sages

I think the event should have been called "Apocalypse Drow" just for the sheer, surreal chaosness of the whole thing. It was appreciated at times but also frustrating when judges would contradict each other as to what exactly is going on in certain instances.

I certainly had fun playing Voltura Caldrana, the matron of the House of Dark Flames....even with the botched assasination attempt on my life. (I tip my hat off to whoever you are since I didnt catch your name) :-)

My compliments to the authors for creating all those unique characters with their own personal background stories...unbelievable job! Also, many thanks to the volunteer judges and demon lord NPCs (especially you, Shane!)

If Paizo does an event such as this again, I would suggest setting up a 'big board' where all the drow houses would have been placed and we, as the players, could have seen which houses still stand, are fallen, and movements/shifts of various house alliances and battles.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinders of Osirion,

Even though I am not of your blood, I have chosen to throw my lot in with your lodge. May the Living God bless our endeavors.

Ram-Kastra the Intercessor, Acolyte of the First Step
My character:

Scarab Sages

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Joe Cirillo wrote:
Are the various regional feats from the Campaign Setting book going to be allowed in the campaign? The Society guide makes mention that it is perfectly fine to play characters from various other nations/regions that can work for the five factions and some of those new regional feats would be great for those PCs.
For now, no. Once I'm back from Gen Con and Gen Con UK, we'll do a comprehensive review of the feats offered in the campaign setting book and release what's legal for the Society and what's not.

Sounds good to me, Josh!

<crossing my finger for Razimir's regional "Enforcer" feat> :-)

Scarab Sages

Are the various regional feats from the Campaign Setting book going to be allowed in the campaign? The Society guide makes mention that it is perfectly fine to play characters from various other nations/regions that can work for the five factions and some of those new regional feats would be great for those PCs.

Scarab Sages

spamhammer wrote:

I know this will be discussed in the guide, but to keep conversation going until then...

What are the differences between organized play and home games, particularly when the organized play is done at home rather than a con/game store.

-Shorter, episodic adventures in OP, versus adventures or even scenes that will play out over several sessions in the home game.

-No improvisation in OP, compared to any given amount in the home game

-Organized players have names like Lenny, while home gamers have names like Carl.

Of course, I'm generalizing on behalf of both.

The only real differences is that while playing at home, you are not under the same time constraints as you would be at a convention w/ strict slot times. Plus, playing at home definitely gives a more 'home campaign' vibe since its most likely you are at a table with a judge and players that you are familiar with (just as long as you are still adhering to the character creation guidelines & rules so everything is still on even keel). At cons, table & judge makeup definitely varies if you are not adventuring with a group of friends.

Scarab Sages

My group of friends traveling to GenCon are discussing doing a collective character concept of razmiren (sp?) devotees to the Living God; all looking and dressing the same in their acolyte white robes and iron masks, taking the first of our 31 steps. :-)

Spreaders of Sedition beware!!!!

Scarab Sages

.....he swapped the subscription mailing labels around in the warehouse so the Pathfinder Gazetteers did not get mailed with Pathfinder #9.

Scarab Sages

....he ripped the tag off his new sectional couch

Scarab Sages

Will the Pathfinder Chronicles subscribers be getting the book in the mail before GenCon?

Scarab Sages

Cosmo wrote:
Joe Cirillo wrote:


I just went into 'my subscriptions' on the website. It stated that Pathfinder #9 shipped today (even though it is still in 'shipping' status under my order history. However, under Pathfinder Chronicles, it stated that on 4/16, Product #6 shipped out and the next to ship in June is Gude to Darkmoon makes no mention of the Gazeteer. I have a funny feeling that if and when I do receive Pathfinder #9, the Gazeteer will not be with it. Can you please look into this for me?


Your Pathfinder #9 and Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer should be in the same package together.


I just got Pathfinder #9 in the mail today. Alas, there was no Gazeteer. Could you please ship one out to me.


Joe Cirillo

Scarab Sages

Cosmo wrote:
Joe Cirillo wrote:


Order 947881 has been in 'shipping' status since 4/25. Could you please confirm if the order has been shipped out and if so..on what date?


Joe Cirillo

Your order has been shipped. The display for everyone's subscription shipment will not change until we are sure that we have every subscription shipped out. This should happen either today or tomorrow.



I just went into 'my subscriptions' on the website. It stated that Pathfinder #9 shipped today (even though it is still in 'shipping' status under my order history. However, under Pathfinder Chronicles, it stated that on 4/16, Product #6 shipped out and the next to ship in June is Gude to Darkmoon makes no mention of the Gazeteer. I have a funny feeling that if and when I do receive Pathfinder #9, the Gazeteer will not be with it. Can you please look into this for me?


Scarab Sages


Order 947881 has been in 'shipping' status since 4/25. Could you please confirm if the order has been shipped out and if so..on what date?


Joe Cirillo

Scarab Sages

Greg Volz wrote:

Don't forget that the Blackmoor MMRPG by Arneson is also debuting at GenCon.


Greg Volz
Natural Twenty Gaming

Actually, I believe this will be the 4th year that Blackmoor events have run at GenCon. I figure they will still capitalize on the possible lack of an RPGA presence at GenCon.

I'm not sure what kind of gaming space Paizo has for GenCon this year but it would be nice if all the non-rpga organized play campaigns can be moved to the amply spaced Sagamore Ballroom if WOTC pulls out.

Joe Cirillo

Scarab Sages

Words cannot describe how excited I am about the Pathfinder Adventure Society. I have been involved with living campaigns in varying degrees of capacity; Plot Director of Living City, Metagaming Director of Blackmoor, author of a couple Living Greyhawk events, and currently a part of Living Arcanis's Invisible Kings program which I am currently a writer/developer for my region (Metra).

Besides having the natural desire to play (in which I am signed for all 4 PF events at GenCon plus Ascension), there is always the itch to do something more such as writing. If you are looking for any volunteers, I would love to help out in anyway, shape, or form.


Joe Cirillo
jcirillo <at> lcmarketing <dot> net