This is the homebrew Lizardfolk I use in my own campaign.
Lizardfolk 13rp
Lizardfolk are proud and powerful reptilian predators that make their communal homes in scattered villages deep within swamps and marshes. Uninterested in colonization of the dry lands and content with the simple weapons and rituals that have served them well for millennia, lizardfolk are viewed by many other races as backwater savages, but within their isolated communities lizardfolk are actually a vibrant people filled with tradition and an oral history stretching back to before humans walked upright.
Most lizardfolk stand 6 to 7 feet tall and weigh 200 to 250 pounds, their powerful muscles covered in scales of gray, green, or brown. Some breeds have short dorsal spines or brightly colored frills, and all swim well by moving with flicks of their powerful 4-foot-long tails. While completely at home in the water, they breathe air and return to their clustered mound-dwellings to breed and sleep. As their reptilian blood makes them sluggish in the cold, most lizardfolk hunt and work during the day and retreat to their homes at night to curl up with other tribesmen in the shared warmth of large peat fires.
Starting height, weight (both males and females) 6’ +2d6 inches, 180 lbs +3d6 x6 lbs.
Starting age 13 (intuitive) +1d4. (self-taught) +1d6, (trained) +2d4
Aging: adult 14-24 years, middle age 25-34 years, old 35-49 years, and venerable 50+ years, maximum age 50 +2d10 years.
Standard Racial Traits
Ability score: specialized +2 str, +2 con, -2 int. 1rp
Type: humanoid (reptile) 0 rp
Size: Medium: No bonus or penalty due to size. 0 rp
Base Speed: Lizardfolk have a base speed of 30 feet.
Language quality: Xenophobic: speak draconic, and with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: common, aquan, goblin, gnoll, orc.
Defense Racial Traits: Thickly scaled: Improved natural armor +3 AC. 6rp
Feat and Skill Racial Traits: Acrobatic +4 2rp. Powerful swimmer 15 feet 1 rp
Hold Breath (ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning. 1rp
Offense Racial Traits Natural attacks: 2 claws as primary natural attacks that do 1d4 damage each, and a secondary bite attack that does 1d4 damage. 4rp
Weakness racial trait: Vulnerable to cold attacks. -2 rp.
Alternate racial traits.
Sandfolk: These lizardfolk bear the ability to squirt poison from their mouths as a ranged attack. Trade the hold breath ability for the ability to squirt poison as a ranged touch attack up to 10 feet away (poison, contact; save Fortitude DC 10 + ½ character’s level, + con modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Con damage; cure 1 save).
Cliff-born:These lizardfolk lose powerful swimmer to gain this trait. In the mountainous rainforests, many tribes of lizardfolk have adapted the ability to climb agilely on walls like geckos. Treat cliff born as standard lizardfolk with a climb speed of 15.
The Unseen: The Unseen are lizardfolk with the ability to change their skin color instantly and at will, allowing them to blend into their surroundings. This ability gives them a +10 racial bonus on Stealth checks. This racial trait replaces their natural attacks, and reduces their natural armor to +1. As well, characters with this racial trait may choose to take their -2 racial stat penalty on their wisdom rather than their intelligence.
Race Feats
Ageless Lizard: The character’s penalties due to age are decreased by one at each age category, but statistic increases due to age are normal. (So middle age has no negative modifier, old has a total -1 modifier, and venerable has a total - 3 modifier .
Maximum age changes to 100 years +2d10 years.
Blood of Royalty: prerequisite 16 Str, Ageless Lizard. This lizardfolk has been recognized to have a royal bloodline and has been taught to use the war trident. The war trident is heavier than a typical trident (12 lbs.) does 1d10 damage, and has crit modifier of 20 x3. The training with this weapon is so extensive that the lizardfolk also gains improved critical with it.
Combat Ferocity: A creature with combat ferocity remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The creature is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.
Direct Descendant: prerequisite Blood of Royalty, Con 16. The lizardfolk is a direct descendent of a lizard king, and may use enlarge person on himself 3x per day as a spell like ability.
Future King: prerequisite Direct descendant , 11th level. The lizardfolk becomes a large creature, gaining a +8 Str, +4 Con, and +2 to natural AC. and a -2 dex penalty. The character can no longer use enlarge self ability previously gained from the direct descendant feat.
Great Bite: The lizardfolk is treated as having multiattack with it’s bite, reducing it’s attack penalty to -2, and is also treated as having a more powerful bite, changing it to a 1d6 attack.
Poison Bite: prerequisite Sand Folk racial trait: This lizardfolk has poisonous fangs.
(Poison bite: -injury, dc10 +½ character’s level + con modifier, 1 point constitution damage once per round for 6 rounds, cure: 1 save.)
Regenerative Rest: These lizardfolk heal at twice the normal rate when resting, and also will regenerate lost body parts and regain points of ability damage. 1 point of ability damage is restored per day’s rest and it takes a full week of rest to regenerate a limb. Lizardfolk cannot regenerate if they have the dead condition.
Race Traits.
Agile Climber: Climb is always a class skill for you and you gain a +1 on your climb skill.
Brightly Frilled:The lizardfolk has the same markings as a well known Lizard King. When dealing with other lizardfolk, they are treated as having +4 Cha.
Forked Tongue: gain a +1 trait bonus to bluff and intimidate, and one of these is always a class skill for you.
Heat Seeker: These lizardfolk are especially sensitive to temperature changes. If they are in a cold climate (0 degrees celsius or below) or have failed a save against an attack that does cold damage they become sluggish and are treated as having the slow racial trait (20 feet movement). If they are in a warm climate (25 degrees or above) or they have failed a save against fire damage then they gain a +1 to their initiative and their base move becomes 40 feet.