Chobo |

Looking for some help with a Druid build for a campaign that will have a large outdoor component with significant underground and underwater elements. Also, Aberrations will will be a reoccurring enemy throughout the campaign and I hope this adventure will continue to level 15.
I want to be a caster that can do some blasts and control the battlefield but that can also skirmish in Melee. (Note: I do not want a pet or to focus on summoning. Also want to keep wildshape) Additionally, I don't know the make up of the rest of the party.
I am looking at the Menhir Savant or Storm Druid archetypes with core races. I prefer not to dip or multi class but am willing to listen.
Here are the have the stats (before racial) S:17 | D:14 | C: 17 | I:10 | W:18 | C:11
I was thinking about going with the spring attack chain but I am not sure if this is a good idea. Any advice on builds, feats, race, domains, traits, or spells would be appreciated. (Or anything else)
- C