Jessop Holgrymm "Grymm"'s page

No posts. Organized Play character for CheeseStalker.


Do we know yet if the specials for GenCon this year will be 1st Edition or 2nd Edition?

I just want to make sure I am reading into this correctly, since shifter claws count as natural weapons (primary), you start with 2x attacks at level 1, but do not get further attacks as your BaB increases, due to the restriction on natural attacks. Is that correct?

So, I am running a game, and want to sow some distrust in the group and I want to use a Periapt of Devotion. It reads as such:

"This simple-looking amulet bears the symbol of a group or cult and resembles the jewelry its members normally wear. When the bearer presents the necklace to a current or prospective group member (humanoids only), the recipient is compelled to accept and don the periapt unless he succeeds at a DC 11 Will save. Thereafter, the wearer is deeply devoted to the person who gave him the periapt, as though affected by a charm person spell (with no additional saving throw against the effect). He always views the giver’s words and actions favorably and speaks highly of her whenever the occasion arises."

So, if the recipient succeeds at the will save, he does not have to accept the item, and is not charmed. What if he takes the item anyway, willingly? (The group is notoriously greedy at times) Would a new Will save be in order, maybe every 24 hours it is worn? How would you handle this? Or would you say that once they make the initial save, it is totally useless?


I looked through the news and blogs and could not find anything. Do we know when we (GM Volunteers for GenCon) will find out what our assigned schedules will be? This is my first year volunteering as GM and I want to make sure I don't miss anything.



I have been to GenCon several times but this year was thinking about volunteering as a GM for Society Play. I just want to make sure I don't miss or haven't missed anything, when/how do we sign up for that? And what are the requirements (as in a star level minimum)?

Thank you!