Daughter of Urgathoa

Jerjia Nimburhombus's page

144 posts. Alias of Joana.


AC: 14 (14 touch, 11 ff) CMD 12 | Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3 |


Perception +7 | Init +3 | Attack of Opportunity +2


Female Gnome Rogue 1/ Sorcerer (elemental: air) 3 | hp 26/26 |










Common, Draconic, Gnome, Sylvan


shocker lizard breeder

About Jerjia Nimburhombus

Female Gnome Rogue 1 Sorcerer 3
CN Small Humanoid (Gnome)
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11. . (+3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 26 (1d8+3d6+3)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Defensive Training; Resist electricity 10
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Darkwood Club +2 (1d4-1/20/x2)
Special Attacks Elemental Ray (7/day), Sneak Attack +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (1/day), Ghost Sound (1/day), Prestidigitation (1/day), Speak with Animals (1/day)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 3, +1 melee touch, +5 ranged touch):
1 (6/day) Magic Missile, Burning Hands [electricity] (DC 15), Burning Disarm [electricity] (DC 15)
0 (at will) Ray of Frost, Daze (DC 14), Flare (DC 14), Dancing Lights, Spark (DC 14)
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Elemental Focus: Electricity, Eschew Materials, Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Skill Focus: Handle Animal
Traits Animal Friend, Dangerously Curious
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +7, Escape Artist +8, Fly +5, Handle Animal +14, Knowledge: Arcana +8, Perception +7, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +11, Use Magic Device +12
Languages Common, Draconic, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ Barbed Vest, Elemental: Air, Gnome Magic, Hatred, Illusion Resistance, Trapfinding +1
Combat Gear Darkwood Club; Other Gear Backpack, Masterwork (1 @ 9.6 lbs), Barbed Vest, Eyeglasses, Smelling Salts, Thieves' tools, masterwork, iron wand of shocking grasp (28 charges), 380 gp
Animal Friend +1 to Will saves when you are within 30' of an animal, Handle Animal is a Class Skill.
Barbed Vest Those injuring you with an unarmed or natural attack must make a DC 15 Ref save or take 1 damage.
Damage Resistance, Electricity (10) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Dancing Lights (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Dancing Lights once per day.
Defensive Training +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the Giant type.
Elemental Focus: Electricity +1 DC to spells that deal damage of the chosen energy.
Elemental Ray (7/day) (Sp) Ranged touch attack deals 1d6 Electricity damage
Elemental: Air You may change any energy spell to use [Electricity] energy.
Eschew Materials Cast without materials, if material cost is <= 1gp.
Ghost Sound (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Ghost Sound once per day.
Gnome Magic +1 to the save DC of all illusions spells you cast.
Hatred +1 racial bonus to attacks against humanoids of the reptilian and goblinoid subtypes.
Illusion Resistance +2 racial bonus to saves against illusions.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Prestidigitation (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Prestidigitation once per day.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Speak with Animals (1/day) (Sp) Speak with Animals 1/day.
Trapfinding +1 +1 to find or disable traps.

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Sparky-Sparky Boomlizard:
Male Shocker Lizard
NN Tiny Magical Beast
Init +8; Senses Darkvision (60 feet), Electricity Sense, Low-Light Vision; Perception +8
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 13. . (+4 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural)
hp 13 (3d10-3)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2
Immune electricity
Spd 40 ft., Climbing (20 feet), Swimming (20 feet)
Melee Bite (Shocker Lizard) +3 (1d3-2/20/x2)
Space 2.5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 6, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 13 (17 vs. Trip)
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus: Stealth
Tricks Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Fetch [Trick], Heel [Trick], Stay [Trick]
Skills Climb +6, Fly +8, Perception +8, Stealth +23, Swim +6
SQ Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Fetch [Trick], Heel [Trick], Shock (DC 10) (Su), Stay [Trick]

Climbing (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Come [Trick] The animal will come to you on command.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defend [Trick] The animal will defend you.
Down [Trick] The animal will break off combat on command.
Electricity Sense (Ex) Shocker lizards automatically detect any electrical discharges within 100 feet.
Fetch [Trick] The animal will get a specific object.
Heel [Trick] The animal will follow you.
Immunity to Electricity You are immune to electricity damage.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Shock (DC 10) (Su) Shocker lizards can deliver an electrical shock to a single opponent within 2.5 feet. This attack deals 1d6 points of nonlethal electricity damage to living opponents (Reflex DC 10 half ). This save DC is Constitution-based.
Stay [Trick] The animal will stay where it is.
Swimming (20 feet) You have a Swim speed.

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Jerjia's parents changed the family name to Nimburhombus when they married and settled down to raise shocker lizards, a reasonably profitable little niche dealing to those in need of guard animals and the scientists at Sandpoint Academy. The inherent risk of their profession was an attractive plus to the gnome couple; after all, the ever-present danger of lethal electrocution in the course of their daily routine was a sure method of staving of the ennui that could lead to the Bleaching! The Nimburhombuses couldn't help but worry, however, when an electrical mishap during feeding time delivered a shock to the expectant mother. A healer was able to revive her, however, and all seemed normal when a little gnome girl was born some weeks later.

As soon as Jerjia was crawling, however, she proved adept at creeping away when the adults' backs were turned, and they were always finding her in the lizard pen, happily petting and grooming the beasts. Often, they found her unconscious from the creatures' nonlethal shocks, but she always came to laughing and happy and took her first opportunity to return to the lizards. She was barely walking the first time a spark from her fingers set fire to the drapes, and as she grew, her electrical powers continued to manifest.

Her arcane abilities were no more than a source of mild admiration in Whistledown, but her odd views on religion and casual dismissal of the town's churches drew more disapproving glares. Jerjia denies the existence of the gods. Confronted with divine magicks, she merely observes that she has innate abilities that weren't granted her by any deity; why should others not have similar powers? Based on her own scientific observations of the stormy sky, she believes that giant shocker lizards live in the clouds and sees no reason why her own beliefs are any less valid or should command any less respect than those of any others.

Jerjia's hair never lies flat, and she likes to wear multiple layers of clothing, most of it slightly too large, all of which crackles with electricity when she moves. When in polite company, she adds an oversized pair of leather gloves to prevent accidental shocks. She also favors thick, round goggles to protect her eyes from stray sparks. Her young shocker lizard lives in the bottom of one or another of her many pockets and can often be seen crawling from one to another for a change of scenery; there are numerous small scorch marks on all of her clothing, marking its passage.