LG Fighter: "Surrender you are coming with me for the crimes you did"
LG Paladin: "Surrender you are coming with me for the crimes you did"
I think what most of you should rethink is the "surrender or suffer the ultimate penalty of her evil deeds" part.
Interesting there are 2 somewhat contradicting occurrences of panicked in the prd. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/glossary.html#_panicked
Once under conditions:
questions wrote:
Opening or closing a door is a move action, even if it is only a little. And that is explicitly disallowed, while special abilities, including spells are explicitly allowed. If you want an RP interpretation: "In your panic you slam shut the door, but the door does not hold and hinges open again." Why do you think emergency exits open in the direction of escape and have large handles you mostly dont even need to use? questions wrote: If they cannot take any other actions than fleeing then by that logic it is also safe to say the afflicted party couldn't open doors to get further away from the enemy they would just cower in the corner of the room while taking hits from the enemy. That is my interpretation of the rule* and that is what is written in the Rule. Well unless they have a spell or special ability to get away further. *but personally i think i would panicked creatures let open unlocked (light) doors where the players already know that no monster is behind. Would not want a panicked player to escalate the encounter further.
"Panicked: A panicked creature must drop anything it holds and flee at top speed from the source of its fear, as well as any other dangers it encounters, along a random path. It can't take any other actions." I think that makes it pretty clear! In addition what you quoted has an additional condition: