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This may be a silly question, but I've been combing FAQs, errata and forum posts but have not been able to come to a conclusion.

I know that an Investigator can choose a non-level restricted Investigator Talent at 3rd level. Studied Combat comes online at 4th level. But it isn't clear that you can't take Quick Study as your 3rd level talent in preparation of being able to use it at 4th level.

And yes, I'm fully aware that doing so means you have a dud talent for a level. Let's say, for argument's sake, I simply do not care about taking Mutagen, Infusion, Extend Potion Discovery, etc., and will take Quick Study provided I'm allowed to do so at 3rd level, full stop.

Am I allowed to do so?


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

In light of another FAQ request currently making the rounds, I propose a change to the material components line of the spell Infernal Healing.

At present it reads; Components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood or 1 dose of unholy water)

As the other FAQ points out, a drop of Unholy Water has a value of 25gp which would increase the cost of making a 1st Level wand of Infernal Healing to 2000gp rather than 750gp.

Such a change would have a detrimental effect to all PFS players who use this spell in wand form for healing at low levels and higher by making this spell unavailable to them.

Reviewing all 192 published Paizo Sorcerer/Wizard spells of 1st level, I found that there are only three spells out of all of them that have defined GP costs (Fabricate Bullets, Pesh Vigor and Stumble Gap). It is my belief that the spell Infernal Healing and by extension, Celestial Healing were not intended to have any additional gp cost for their castings.

A simple solution to this issue would be a simple change to the spell component line of Infernal Healing to the following.

Infernal Healing
Components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood)

This would both solve this problem and prevent a destructive outcome for the many PFS players relying on this spell.


23 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

This post is a request to clarify the Adventurer's Armory Scorpion Whip in regards to how it interacts with the following feats;

Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus (Whip)
Whip Mastery
Improved Whip Mastery
Greater Whip Mastery
Serpent Lash
Other feats that require the use of/benefit the use of a whip.

Given that the AA Scorpion Whip is now the default version for use in PFS organized play, clearing up the weapon's usage would greatly benefit all players who wish to use it and reduce any confusion for GM's presented with one at their table.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay, I just want to run this item past the various rule masters here;

Bottled Sunlight:
Source: Undead Slayer's Handbook
Price 200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Alchemical Tools
As a standard action, this ornate rectangular jar can be vigorously shaken to cause its contents to mix and activate. Once shaken, the contents of the jar shed light as a sunrod for 6 hours. A jar of activated bottled sunlight can be thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Upon striking a solid object, the bottled sunlight creates a 30-foot-radius burst of natural sunlight that persists for 1 round, after which all light from the jar fades. Throwing an inactive jar of bottled sunlight destroys the item, leaving only a smoldering pile of ashes where it struck. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 30 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30

I made sure to bold the part of interest, the fact that it creates natural sunlight for 1 round. Now lets look at Vampire weaknesses. Again I will bold the part of interest;

Vampire Weaknesses::

Vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they recoil from mirrors or strongly presented holy symbols. These things don’t harm the vampire—they merely keep it at bay. A recoiling vampire must stay at least 5 feet away from the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against that creature. Holding a vampire at bay takes a standard action. After 1 round, a vampire can overcome its revulsion of the object and function normally each round it makes a DC 25 Will save.

Vampires cannot enter a private home or dwelling unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so.

Reducing a vampire’s hit points to 0 or lower incapacitates it but doesn’t always destroy it (see fast healing). However, certain attacks can slay vampires. Exposing any vampire to direct sunlight staggers it on the first round of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive round of exposure if it does not escape. Each round of immersion in running water inflicts damage on a vampire equal to one-third of its maximum hit points—a vampire reduced to 0 hit points in this manner is destroyed. Driving a wooden stake through a helpless vampire’s heart instantly slays it (this is a full-round action). However, it returns to life if the stake is removed, unless the head is also severed and anointed with holy water.

So, given this information am I correct in reading that if the party were to be equipped with merely two Bottled Sunlights that were both already active and threw them at a vampire's feet (naturally targeting an adjacent empty square)over two consecutive rounds, the vampire is destroyed without a saving throw? For a 400 gp investment? If so, that is just... Awesome!


I received the Sinscarred Boon not long ago but for the life of me can't decide on a school of magic to apply towards it. For those unfamiliar with the boon, it awards a permanent +1 bonus on saving throws against spells of one school of magic, boon holder's choice. It also providesa +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks to identify spells of the same school.

I intend to apply this to my level 7 Wizard. My instincts lean towards the Evocation or Necromancy schools but I'd like the input of people with experience playing tiers 7+ in PFS. How common are "Save or Die" Necromancy spells at that level? How common are "Save or Suck" spells from the Enchantment or Transmutation school? Or is Evocation really the most common villain attack school?

Any and all input would be appreciated.


I'm a little confused as to the wording of the Deft Shootist Deed feat and how to interpret it's prerequisites.

Deft Shootist Deed (Grit).

Now, do you read the prerequisites as;

"[Grit class feature] OR [Amateur Gunslinger feat, Dodge, Mobility]"

implying that a 1st level Gunslinger who has the Grit class feature can take Deft Shootist without Dodge or Mobility, or do you read it as;

"Grit class feature or Amateur Gunslinger feat, Dodge, Mobility"

meaning that the grit class feature and the Amateur Gunslinger feat are interchangeable, however you must take Dodge and Mobility regardless?

This clarification is pretty important in regards to Gunslingers.


As my PFS Musket Master gains in levels I've been hard pressed to choose between the Deft Shootist, Richochet Shot or Snap Shot+Combat Reflexes line of feats. Combing the boards the consensus seems to lean heavily towards Snap Shot and Improved Snap Shot however carefully looking at the errata on Snap Shot and the rules for firearms brings up a pretty big issue as far as I can tell.

According to the errata on Snap Shot, as long as you can reload your weapon as a free action, you can use Snap Shot with Combat Reflexes to make multiple ranged attacks of opportunity. For a Gunslinger this could potentially be a very high number of extra attacks. However it only clarifies that your ranged *attacks* do not provoke an AoO in this manner.

Neither the feat nor the errata say anything about whether the act of reloading provokes. And according to the base firearm rules, reloading a firearm always provokes. So, if a gunslinger is in the following placement,


where G represents the gunslinger and 1,2 and 3 are enemies, if enemy 1 does two things that provoke (lets say, move through and cast a spell) and the gunslinger takes two AoOs with Snap Shot on enemy 1, those two Snap Shotted ranged attacks would not provoke, however the reloading necessary to get that second AoO *would* still provoke from all three enemies according to the RAW, correct?

If this is in fact the case, it seems like Snap Shot is incredibly risky as a feat with Combat Reflexes for use with firearms or crossbows.