About Jemini Lebeda, Darkest Timeline
Jemini of House Lebeda
Female human paladin 12 oracle of lore 6
LG medium humanoid
Init +12; Senses Perception +0
AC 49, touch 28, flat 37 (armor +9, heavy shield +7, cha +12, natural +5, deflect +5, insight +1)
HP 137 (12d10 + 6d8 + 36)
Fort 29; Ref 35; Will 30
Speed 30ft
Melee +3 holy longsword +20 (1d8+3 19-20/x2) Type: Slashing; Size: Medium; Wgt: 4lbs
Melee smiting +3 holy longsword +32 (1d8+15 19-20/x2) Type: Slashing; Size: Medium; Wgt: 4lbs
+2d6 vs evil
Str 14, Dex 7, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 34 (23pt buy, racial bonus on Charisma, level 4/8/12/16 = Charisma)
BAB +5; CMB +7; CMD 22
Feats weapon focus (longsword), noble scion (war), dazzling display, antagonize, greater mercy, ultimate mercy, skill focus (diplomacy), skill focus (bluff), skill focus (intimidate), extra revelation
Traits princess, fast talker
Favored class paladin
Favored bonus 12 skill points
Paladin abilities aura of good, detect evil, smite evil 4/day, divine grace, lay on hands 18/day (6d6), mercy (fatigue, diseased, cursed, blinded), divine health, aura of courage, channel positive energy, divine bond (weapon), aura of resolve, aura of justice
Oracle mystery sidestep secret, brain drain, focused trance
Oracle curse haunted (level 12)
Skills Skills per level: 3 to 4 (2 class + 1 human + (1 favored)); Armor check penalty: -2
Trained acrobatics 2(5); bluff 43(18); diplomacy 43(18); escape artist 2(5); intimidate 43(18); knowledge (all) 10(7); ride 3(2); sense motive 21(18)
Untrained climb 0; heal 0; perception 0; swim 0
Spells per day, 1st level 5
Cantrips known ghost sound (curse), guidance, light, mage hand (curse), mending
Level 1 spells known cure light wounds, endure elements, obscuring mist, bless (flavored as "makes spirits visible")
Level 2 spells known cure moderate wounds, hold person, silence, levitate, minor image
Level 3 spells known cure serious wounds, invisibility purge
Spells per day, 1st level 3
Level 1 spells prepared protection from evil, lesser restoration, honeyed words
Level 2 spells prepared resist energy, shield other, eagle's splendor
Level 3 spells prepared magic circle against evil, prayer
Wealth --gp
Charity --
Followers --gp
Weight --lb
Encumbrance 58 (light), 116 (medium), 175 (heavy)
- +5 mithril chainshirt (26100gp)
- dusty rose prism ioun stone (5000gp)
- circlet of persuasion (4500gp)
- cloak of resistance +5 (25000gp)
- amulet of natural armor +5 (50000gp)
- ring of protection +5 (50000gp)
- headband of alluring charisma +6 (64000gp)
- tome of charisma +4 (200000gp)
- +3 holy longsword (50315gp) 4lb
- +5 shield, heavy wooden (25007gp) 10lb
- parade armor (as studded leather, bonus on diplomacy and intimidate vs members of nation) (25gp) 20lb
- 1x sunrods (2gp) 1lb
- 1x rations (2gp) 1lb
- waterskin (1gp) 4lb
- backpack (2gp) 2lb
- fine bed roll (1gp) 5lb
- fine winter blanket (1gp) 3lb
- chalk (amortized cost)
- flint and steal (1gp)
- 4x paper sheets (1.6gp)
- ink (8gp)
- fine ink pen (1gp)
- fine signet ring (20gp)
- fine soap (1gp) 1lb
- sealing wax (1gp) 1lb
- perfume (5gp)
- alchemist fire (20gp) 1lb
- antitoxin (50gp)
- holy water (25gp) 1lb
- everburning torch (110gp) 1lb