Neolandis Kalepopolis

Jego Erwis's page

29 posts. Alias of Chapel36.


Khaleem studies the deadly woman. "Prone to violence, this one is." he says to himself. He considers offering a word of wisdom, but thinks better of it at the end.

Wow, I can't believe we're up to 3 clerics now.

I had average rolls for HP in my build. Here are the organics:

8d8 + 7d6 ⇒ (7, 1, 7, 3, 6, 3, 8, 8) + (4, 4, 3, 1, 4, 5, 5) = 69

Awesome. One better than the average!

OK, I got most of my character build up. Still need to post spells and equipment.

This sounds like fun. I hope I get in, but I understand there are quite a few other good characters too.

Sinvel Mentor here with my character background.

He is a Cleric 8/Loremaster 7 who is passed the prime of his life.

Here is the bio. I'll post the complete character build soon.

Khaleem has had many callings in life, and has chosen to follow most of them. Born in Sothis, year of 4670, he was the only child of unwed parents, both of whom are now deceased. He grew up mainly as an amusement for his father, a cold and unethical sellsword who often dressed his pre-teen son in armor for sparring. Whether in armor or not, Khaleem was often beaten by his father, most of the time for no apparent reason. Often, his father would tell him horrible stories of scary beasts just to frighten the boy.

His mother would try to protect him, but she was no match for a drugged up and infuriated man who fought for a living. Khaleem’s happiest times would be when his father was away on a job, usually as a bodyguard for some rich merchant or as muscle for an underground crime boss. He and his mother would live in peace for a few days or, if lucky, a few weeks.

As his father grew older he became less capable of fighting and, as he was not a particularly bright man, would be out of work for long stretches of time. He was home more often and in worse moods. A jealous and petty man, his father would beat Khaleem’s mother whenever he felt slighted. As his age progressed so did the beatings until one day he went to far. His mother could not recover from her wounds and passed away. At the age of 13 Khaleem fled his home, the only person who had shown him love now gone.

Khaleem had thought his parents prisoners by the inability to better their lives. He determined that knowledge was the key to a better life. He had always been awestruck by the large white and gold structure of the Temple of the Eternal Sun. Not knowing where to go and tired of trying to survive on the streets, he was given shelter for small duties by a young priest there named Mkhai. It wasn’t longer before Khaleem discovered the library there.

DM only:

Although Khaleem was starting a path of enlightenment, he could not shake his disturbing upbringing. A few years passed, he became a young man, and his rage over his mother’s death grew silently inside him.

One night, he summoned the courage and challenged his father to a fight. Although badly outmatched, Khaleem knew his father’s tendencies and his inability to defend certain strikes when he was using drugs. It was bloody fight that nearly killed him. But with the help of a few potions he had saved many months to purchase, Khaleem was the last man standing.

Ashamed of his actions and certainly no way to behave for a follower of Sarenrae, Khaleem knew that he must leave the city.

Soon the time came for him to leave his hometown. Khaleem didn’t have the money to travel far, so he joined a caravan of Sarenrae pilgrims to Eto. By now he knew enough of Sarenrae to know he didn’t identify completely with this god, so once he reached Eto he found a god more suited to his interests and beliefs: Irori, the god of history, knowledge, and self-protection.

He studied here for many years until he found his next calling. After the Ruby Prince’s announcement that the deserts of Osrion were open for adventuring to all, Khaleem decided that he would seek out to become a Pathfinder. With his appreciation of Ancient Osirion history, he had admired several Pathfinders that he had worked with over the years. Now, with foreigners coming into Osirion and taking many priceless artifacts out of the country, he wanted to learn the skills required to seek out these relics himself.

After making the leap to travel to Absalom and make his case for being accepted for training at the Grand Lodge, he was eventually accepted as an initiate. The next few years were some of the most challenging and rewarding of his life. Although his personality was that of a quiet awkward outsider, he seemed to shine when it mattered. He personally saved two other initiate’s lives during the great quake of ’98 and spent almost a year of extra time organizing and restoring many volumes of Pathfinder lore after that event.

Now many years later, he is a celebrated and experienced Pathfinder. Had he more leadership qualities he could have become a Venture Captain years ago, but that is not his calling. Instead he spends days and days studying and examining ancient documents, trying to learn more about history and where some exotic locale may be hidden. He has traveled all over Osirion, from the Alamein Peninsula to the Brazen Peaks and even into Katapesh.

He has never married. Always a little too gruff, he has never learned the art of polite conversation. He has a terrible scar where he almost lost an eye battling an undead creature, and he has had an Ioun stone sewn into his forehead, which he usually keeps hidden under a turban, has kept him from many female admirers. His temples now gray, and without any wife or children, his entire life devoted to knowledge.

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He is now 51 years old and is showing signs of his age. He is not as fast or string as he used to be, and his eyesight is steadily declining. He can only see clearly out to about 40’-50’, although he never shows anyone this deficiency. He know he only has a few good years left as an adventurer and his memories of his father’s unhappiness with aging weighs on him at night.