Jeffrey C Pettengill's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.


Star Voter Season 6

Wow! This is an amazing list, Anthony. Thanks for doing this. This last list includes the Smuggler archetype which was one I was working on for R2 if I had made it. Glad I didn't make it in this case. I would have felt really foolish submitting that archetype since there already was one.

Star Voter Season 6

Jacob W. Michaels wrote:

Jeff, not sure if you've seen it, but you may want to take a look at Sean's consolidated advice thread. It's where acronyms like SAK and SIAC come from, but also has a wealth of other advice that many of us look to when considering items.

Thank you very much, Jacob. I will definitely check that out. Fortunately I was able to figure out SIAC after reading a coupld of posts.

Star Voter Season 6

Clouds Without Water wrote:
Jeffrey C Pettengill wrote:

I have a question. Being know here, I'm not familiar with all the shorthand, so would you please define SAK?

Again, thanks for the feedback.

SAK = Swiss Army Knife. Like a swiss army knife, it's an item that does a lot of little things. Lots of utility but lacks focus, in other words.

Thank you very much for the explanation, Clouds Without Water. It is very helpful.

Star Voter Season 6

Jacob W. Michaels wrote:

Saddle of the Chevalier:

Unfortunately, I wasn't a fan of this item. You've got some template problems, adding in colons where none are needed. Your introductory paragraph didn't really sell me on the wonder of the item. Then getting into it, it seems a bit too focused on cavaliers (plus scales with level, which is a no-no), and just gives a feat/numerical bonuses. Finally, I'm not sure why limited wish was the spell for this one. I would've thought something dealing with horses/riding would make more sense. Sorry I couldn't be more positive about it.

Thank you very much for the critique, Jacob. It is incredibly helpful. You pointed out some really valuable things for me to keep in mind for future designs.



Star Voter Season 6

Jeffrey C Pettengill wrote:
limited with[/i

That should be [i] limited wish

Star Voter Season 6

Clouds Without Water wrote:

Page 7 items!

Saddle of the Chevalier - In the end, this is SAK of minor bonuses. Maybe drop everything that affects the non-skilled, pick one cool thing for actual cavaliers and really push it. Also, what's up with limited wish as a req? Seems puzzling.

Thank you so very much for the critique, Cloud. Since I am new to Pathfinder and the contest, I was trying to make something useful my many, but I agree it would be better to make it something even more special for cavaliers. I played it safe with trying to make something which would appeal to many players not just players of cavaliers.

As for limited with, I didn't have time to do the full amount of homework as to what spells might go into granting these abilities. I'll definitely spend more thought on that next year.

I have a question. Being know here, I'm not familiar with all the shorthand, so would you please define SAK?

Again, thanks for the feedback.

Star Voter Season 6

GM_Solspiral wrote:

100) Saddle of the Chevalier
Good: Name works for me, effects are decent from mechanical standpoint and you broke up the text which helps your readers digest it.
Bad: Limited wish should not be a prerequisite here.
Ugly: Not really a superstar Idea, its an attack and skill bonus.
Overall Middling for me.

GM, thank you very much for your critique. Considering this it the first magical item I've ever created for the Pathfinder game, and I have never had a chance to actually play the game, I'm really happy with this feedback.

Star Voter Season 6

Name: Saddle of the Chevalier

Aura: strong transmutation; CL: 11th
Slot: Body; Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 25 lb.

This military saddle, which appears as if it were made for a wealthy noble though weighs as much as a riding saddle, is not only sought after by those who engage in mounted combat, but it is highly prized by Cavaliers. It is enchanted so that it provides an enhancement bonus to Ride skill checks, to Attack Rolls when charging, and increases the distance the mount can travel when charging by 10 feet.

For anyone who does not have any ranks in the Ride skill, while mounted in this saddle, they gain a rank of 1 in Ride. For those with a rank of 1 or greater in ride, they receive a +1 bonus to all Ride checks. Cavaliers gain bonus to all Ride checks equal to Cavalier level/4.

Anyone who does not have the Mounted Combat feat is able once during a combat to attempt a Ride check when they are hit to avoid the hit as described in the feat. Those who have the Mounted Combat feat are able to add an additional +1 to their Ride checks to avoid being hit. Cavaliers, instead of the bonus above, are able to add a bonus to their Ride checks to avoid being hit equal to their Cavalier level/3.

When charging, non-Cavaliers gain a +1 bonus to their Attack Roll. Cavaliers, in addition to their normal +4 bonus to charging, gain a bonus to their Charge Attack Roll equal to their Cavalier level/2.

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish, caster must be trained in the Handle Animal skill; Cost: 10,000 gp

Star Voter Season 6

Thanks to you Thunderbuckets for removing the * from my item. It's great to know that my item made through the cull.

Star Voter Season 6

Thanks for this, Eric. At least I know someone saw my item.

Star Voter Season 6

Congratulations to you all and best of luck in the next stage of the competition. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

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Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Magic Skull Games!