
Jeff W's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts (25 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

In Advanced Player's Guide p. 194-196 there is a category of spells under the heading "All" that are included in the spell lists for all Elementalist wizards. RAW, are these spells included in the spell lists of the Metal, Void and Wood schools?

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If an Arcanist chooses School Savant archetype and specializes in a Elemental School, does he have to choose two opposition schools? I ask because this is the rule in Herolab, but it contradicts my reading of the RAI.

I'm playing a solo wizard (4th level) in a Castle Whiterock campaign. I can recruit NPCs, but they're all unoptimized and I don't have any say in which NPCs are available at any given time. Currently the party is: Cleric (Law/Protection), Cleric (Luck/Travel), Fighter, Rogue and my char (Chaotic Good Diviner banning Evocation/Necromancy).

My plan is to take Improved Familiar and Leadership. For the familiar, is Faerie Dragon or Azata, Lyrakien the best choice? I'm planning to take Craft Wand at 5th level to make wands for the familiar. Also, should I definitely take Leadership (7th level earliest) before Improved Familiar (7th level earliest)?

For Leadership, can anyone recommend a good cohort to complement my character and party. Two restrictions: Summoning magic doesn't work in the Castle and I need to be able to make the character in PCGen (no Advanced Class Guide, Ultimate Campaign, some other stuff missing). I don't need a full build--just general ideas and important points. I'd like the cohort to be a full or partial caster.

Would this build be a good way to build an illusionist character(for PFS, so only to level 12).

Gnome Oracle (Heavens) 5/Veiled Illusionist 7

Blackened (PFS Legal?) or Haunted Cursed

Strength 5 Charisma 20


Fast Talker
Magical Lineage: Color Spray for Persistent Spell?

Feats: Spell Focus/Greater Spell Focus (Illusion), Persistent Spell?

Obviously this build is very synergistic against anything vulnerable to illusions and especially mind-affecting spells.

The question is can this character contribute adequately against other types of monsters? The Veiled Illusionist adds an extra illusion spell at each PRC level, so Shadow Conjuration and Shadow Evocation help in this regard. If all Gnome Favored Class Bonuses are used on Curses, this build still gets Telekinesis or Wall of Fire at level 10. Which spells should be taken on the oracle side to fill in the gaps in the illusion strategy?