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I was able to go to the Shores of Heaven and switched my Paladin-oracle's religion from Sarenrae to Winlas. I realized I never reviewed what mysteries are compatible for Winlas, I just assumed that Life was still on the list. What are Winlas' preferred Oracle Mysteries? Winlas' domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection
Looking for an official complementary listing of mysteries as well.
When referring to path of glory, I see the only restriction adjacent 5ft squares. I am proposing this allows use up or down stairs and up walls as well. There isn't a restriction on altitude or inclination from what I can tell. So it is possible to grant healing to climbing party members or stairclimbing part members. Objections? Abstentions? Motion passes.
As a bloodmage initiate (feat)it says you are under the effects of a medium load. However dwarves have slow and steady, which says Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance. So in the case of bloatmage, there would be no effect on armor or speed, correct?
Order 4697641 has a digital download of Pathfinder Companion: Elves of Golarion And it says it is available in my downloads when I visit
But on my downloads I don't see it
I see the previous Pathfinder Adventure Path #47: Ashes at Dawn (Carrion Crown 5 of 6) (PFRPG) but no Elves. Can you please help find said elves? There are orcs about!
My paladin/oracle went to heaven, and was so inspired by one of the characters, she is wanting to switch faiths (still LG) from Iomedae to Winlas, a demigod, Empyral Lord. Is it legal for a paladin/oracle in PFS to worship someone that is not a full God, but only a demigod? According to the definition of demigod, "They are capable of granting spells to those who worship them, and some believe that oracles gain their divine abilities from them." So to me it seems legal but it seems everything that is logical to me is countermanded by some weird errata, so just checking if you agree.
From my -01 character, I have access to purchase the braid of a hundred masters, from 3-13 The Quest for Perfection, Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. I'm planning to use a boon to transfer this item to a real monk. Checking the legality. From the description in 3-09 Quest for Perfection, Part I, it is described as an intelligent item (present tense): 3-09 Sidebar:
The Braid of a Hundred Masters is an intelligent item that rests dormant now, and can only be reawakened in a ritual conducted by its last master (or his eldest descendant if the master is dead). When reawakened, the braid functions only for the individual named as the master’s successor. 3-13 Conclusion:
When she emerges with a smile, the braid is restored to its ancient potency. 3-13 Success Conditions:
...allowing Je Tsun to reactivate the Braid of a Hundred Masters. Assertion: I'm reading this as the item is reawakened/restored/reactivated as an intelligent item and therefore qualifies for the Gen Con 2017 #17 boon. Boon #17: Alternatively, you can transfer access to a unique intelligent item , which the recipient can now purchase. This follows the same restrictions as if you were transferring access to a new familiar type...
Please update the additional resources page: Under Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races it shows races as being unavailable but under Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide it says they are available. If someone reads the former it has different restrictions.
Has anyone ever made abacus fighter build, like the guy in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? I'm looking to try something other than a fighter/equipment feat build. Is there a way to play a cleric or magic user and use the abacus as a weapon/shield? In other system there used to be numbers and time domains, I don't think they have numbers in pathfinder religious domains. What do you think is the most compatible class for this guy?
Pathfinder Society Scenario #4: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight (OGL) PDF I ordered Frozen fingers of midnight today, but that was because it did not list it as a previously ordered item. Normally the item will say, "in your downloads" if it was ordered previously. I had ordered it previously in Order 3986997. Is it possible to credit the latest order for that duplicated module?
I am building a Dean Corso-like Occultist Tome Eater (Occult Adventures). I'm a little more civilized than the half-orc depicted in the manual, preferring to use proper eating utensils when book-eating. Also, well aware that certain inks might also be laden with lead or other toxins, and since I don't want to end up like the prince in Queen Margot, who was poisoned by a book intended for his brother-in-law, do you think that the book qualifies as food? In this context: as a precautionary measure I, can I cast purify food and drink (knack, 0-level psychic spell) on the tome/book before consuming it? |