
JediCat's page

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We finished Adventure 2 and gained 4 loot cards but only two were choosen among the players. What happens to the other 2 loot cards?

I think they would be mixed into the other cards in the box according to type.

Or are they just added to the loot section of the box and re-appear as added selections to choose from along with the loot provided at the end of Adventure 3?

I would just use the same deck building rules as for character death.

But instead of losing all you feats. You gain all the feats from your current adventure number minus two (example: if you are playing Adventure 3 you would gain the all feats from Adventure 1 and build your character with cards from Basic to Adventure 1.)

I get that you can rebuild your deck with cards 2 levels lower than your current adventure.

But it seems unbalanced to rebuild a character with no feats.

So our group decided that you can keep 1 feat per Adventure Deck completed.

So if you die in Adventure Deck 1, then you lose all your feats. But if you die in Adventure Deck 2, you get to keep 1 feat.

We also allow players to regain lost feats by forfeiting the current scenario reward for a feat that was lost due to character death.

So far, we've found this to be a fair and balanced approach.

I've only played the "Rise of the Runelords" and "Jade Reagent" Adventure Paths. So after "Skulls and Shackles," my vote would be for "Jade Reagent." Which would be perfect for the Ninja and Samurai classes!