About Jedediah JansonStatistics:
Ancestry Goblin (Unbreakable Goblin) Background Gambler Class Gunslinger (Unexpected Sharpshooter) 3
Alignment CN Senses Perceptionᵉ +8 (+4 init); darkvision ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ ACᵗ 20 (+1 armor, +5 proficiency, +4 dex) hp 40 Fortᵉ +9, Refᵉ +11, Willᵉ +8 (+stubborn vs controlled) ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 25 ft. Melee Pistol Whipᵗ +10 (1d4)
Ranged Flintlock Pistolᵉ +12 (1d4+1)
Special Abilities:
Unbreakable Goblin You reduce falling damage as if you had fell half the distance.
Lie to Me If someone tries to Lie to you, use your Deception DC to determine if they succeed. This only applies in a back-and-forth dialogue. Bouncy Goblin You gain trained proficiency rank in Acrobatics. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks to Tumble Through a foe’s space. Way of the Pistolero
Singular Expertise You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to damage rolls with firearms and crossbows. Your proficiency with unarmed attacks and with weapons other than firearms and crossbows can't be higher than one step under your maximum firearm/crossbow proficiency. Intimidating Glare You can Demoralize with a mere glare. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty if the creature doesn’t understand your language. Stubborn You don't like being told what to do, and you don't give up. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to expert. When you fail, but don't critically fail, a Will save against an effect that would give you the controlled condition, you can attempt a second save against the effect at the start of your next turn. On a successful second save, the controlled condition ends, though any other effects remain. As normal, failing this second save doesn't allow you to attempt a third save on the subsequent turn. Special Actions:
Raconteur's Reload (1 action) Interact to reload and then attempt a Deception check to Create a Diversion or an Intimidation check to Demoralize.
Ten Paces (free action) You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your initiative roll, and you can Interact to draw a one-handed firearm or one-handed crossbow. As your first action on your first turn, you can Step up to 10 feet as a free action. Dual-Weapon Reload (1 action) You Interact to reload a one-handed ranged weapon you're holding. Unlike most Interact actions, you don't need a free hand to reload your ranged weapon in this way. Fake Out (reaction)
Accidental Shot (2 actions)
Bulk Limit 10 Encumbrance Limit 5 Carried Bulk 2 (L x5) Money 2 GP 1 SP 0 CP +1 Flintlock Pistol (41gp) (bulk 1) - Reinforced Stock (2sp) (bulk L) Flintlock Pistol (6gp) (bulk 1) - Reinforced Stock (2sp) (bulk L) Coat Pistol (6gp) (bulk L) - Reinforced Stock (2sp) (bulk L) - - - Firearm Ammunition x40 (4sp) Dagger (2sp) (bulk L) Leather Armor (2gp) (bulk 1) Ability Score Tracking:
Str 10 Dex 10 +2 (goblin) +2 (background) +2 (free) +2 (gunslinger) Con 10 +2 (goblin) +2 (free) Int 10 Wis 10 -2 (goblin) +2 (background) +2 (free) Cha 10 +2 (goblin) +2 (free) Background:
Jedediah Janson never knew his parents. He never even knew what his real name was. All he knew from when he started forming memories was that he was an outlaw. Civilized society held no place for him, and as soon as he let his guard down he would be on the receiving end of a rope and a short fall.
Due to Jedediah's youth and general air of innocence, he was often made into a distraction for the others. Pretending to be injured, sweet talking doting old folks, throwing a tantrum, anything to get the job done. It didn't take long for Jedediah to become extremely manipulative, knowing how to use his charm and charisma to sway others. Jedediah was barely out of his teen years when he decided to leave the outlaws he had grown up amongst. After a big robbery he betrayed them, taking all the spoils for himself, and vanishing into the night. From then on he lived with only his own whims to answer to, gambling and whoring and robbing wherever the wind blew him. Once he figured out hard to detect ways to gamble is when he really started to make enemies. Especially because with gambling came all the drinking, which only made his undesirable qualities worse. Appearance and Personality:
Jedediah in his old life was a short and skinny fella, with a young face and a charming one-sided grin. In his new life he's taken the form of a goblin, even shorter and skinnier than he was before, with huge flopping ears and a devilishly mischievous grin.
Jedediah Janson, free-hearted spirit of the West. Expert card player, storied lover, legendary gunslinger. The best man to have on your side, and the worst to face! Well, according to himself anyways. He is definitely a free spirit, doing whatever the hell he wants and consequences be damned (however while he does not exactly have a soft heart, he also has no stomach for wanton cruelty). Expert card player is the truest self-evaluation, even without his extreme depth of cheating tricks he is well versed and practiced in about any kind of gambling card game one could imagine. Storied lover depends on who's asked, but the consensus seems to be closer to "swarmy bastard). And legendary gunslinger, well that's the biggest damned lie of all. Jedediah has been given a passing training in firearms, but always preferred a good con over violence, really only carrying the piece as a deterrent and to add a little swagger. Overall Jedediah really only lives for himself to the whims of his own vices, but he is still young and could develop into something more. ▶️⏩⏭↩️ |