Modoru Redgrave

Jason J. Mitchell's page

14 posts. Alias of Crimson Jester.


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Still alive

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Still alive.

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meatrace wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
In my opinion neither option works.
Please elaborate?

for length:

Simply put the modern western world definition of Marriage is in my opinion is a Religious ceremony. One in which the government has no say.

Marriam-Webster: An act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities

Here is the rub though, many churches support either same-sex unions or non-traditional unions. By default if the Government would stay out of something I feel they have no place in it would in fact by de facto create more same-sex unions.

Now some people argue what about my marriage at the justice of the peace, or judge or dollar store rental certificate minister? What of it. You have a civil-union, which is how most people have eloped for a long time. The Government has a right to regulate that. In fact they have. In a state by state basis.

Because it is not spelled out in the Constitution as a right of the Federal Government to regulate it is held a something regulated by the people and the state. Which is why I do not have an issue with Prop 8 in California nor any issue with the states that have approved it.

So while the Church I belong to would never allow it, nor should it have to; others do and should be allowed to. The Federal Government has no say.

Oh and it is Matthew 19:4-6 not Leviticus. I am not Jewish, nor specifically a Levite. I eat Bacon and shrimp. While I don't exactly approve of witches I don't throw any stones at our good friend who are wiccan.

As with most things I think it is more complex than a simple yes or no answer. Plus as I said before in other threads If I were dictator I would piss everyone off.

I post this with my real name, because if you are going to post something likely to set off a flame war you should have the guts not to hide behind anonymity.

Love the idea. There are many games I choose not to play because of the people playing them. PVP just gives @$$)(@7$ a chance to show their true colors. I was very disappointed when it was announced that PFO would be PVP.

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Emperor7 wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

My inner child is grounded for scribbling on the walls of my brain.

This is, incidentally, my explanation for how earworms happen.

My inner child is busy pretending that people are ants. He's holding a magnifying glass over them in the sun. They make little popping noises instead of curling up as they get scorched.

So what your saying is, that global warming is YOUR FAULT! I'm telling Al Gore on you!

SMurfy popcorn post... in the only place I can post one.

Celestial Healer wrote:
What's got you posting under the real name, CrimJ?

While I understand and can agree that sometimes there is a need for anonymity, I realized that anyone who really matters on these boards already knows who I am and how to reach me. So I have made a few posts with my real name.

104* here in Wichita and we have high humidity. I just do not want to be any hotter.

It is too hot.

Do you video tape it as well?

The Jersey slide?

taig wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
That's why I wrote him his own theme song.
How did I miss that?!?

I think you were spending time with Mrs. Badger then.

The Jade wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

" if he is channeling the voice of Erich Zann."

Get it right.

Wait... Erich Zann was mute.
Maybe that was Jester's wishful thinking coming into play. ;)

That is one way to look at it.

Aberzombie wrote:
I asked questions once......

Didja get an answer?