Jason Brodsky's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (6 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

A Darkskull is a permanent mobile unhallow, with a permanent, say, Freedom of Movement tied to it. What's more, it can be tied to your belt and costs 60k gp.

A Lord's Banner of the Crusades is a permanent mobile hallow. It appears ( http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/rules/aPGMagicItemsLordsBannerOfCrusades&page=1&source=search#0 ) to not grant a permanent spell effect. It also takes a pole to hold up and costs 100k gp.

Is a Darkskull just cheaper and better due to evilness?

Scarab Sages

I've decided to roll up a trip-specialist alchemist for kicks. I'm looking for some optimization help, since I've got a lot of options.

My goal is to use my awesome self-buffing powers to try and not fall too far behind a barbarian or other, more martial, maneuver expert, while retaining alchemist utility with bombs and other buffs. Enlarge person extracts will let me threaten a lot of the battlefield with tripping goodness, and keep medium-sized or smaller foes from reaching me unless they can get past tripping AoOs.

This'll be a PFS organized play character, so I have access to only PF core + PF sourcebook rules, and can't count on any DM rule-bending. I also can't count on a lot of specific magic item availability. PFS max level is 12, so I don't need to worry about higher level viability than that.

The Build:
STR 15
DEX 17 (with human +2)
CON 12
INT 16

Combat Expertise
Imp. Trip
Fury's Fall (adds dex bonus to trips src: Cheliax)
Imp. Disarm?
Martial Weapon Prof? (guisarmes?)
Mobility-> Spring Attack (dodge is a bonus feat for alchemists in PFS, replacing Brew Potion)
Ranged attack feats for bombs?
Greater Trip
Whirlwind? (trips for everyone!)

Key buffs:
+4 STR (Mutagen) [Alchemical]
+1 CMB (Enlarge) [Size]
+2 STR/-2 DEX (Enlarge) [Size]
+4 STR (Bull's) [Enhancement]
+4 DEX (Cat's) [Enhancement]
+2 CMB (Heroism) [Morale]
+1 CMB (haste) [Untyped]
+2 CMB (Greater invis) [untyped]

Additional bonus from a masterwork/enchanted sickle

Any thoughts? I'd like to catch any possible boosts or drawbacks I've missed, though I'm enchanted enough by the character concept I wouldn't want to suddenly switch back to a mundane tripper or something weirder like a eidolon tripper--despite my focus on trips, I'd like to maintain the alchemist fun for when tripping can't solve all problems.