
Jarek Kozioł's page

1 post. Alias of TreasureFox.

Full Name

Jarek Kozioł





Special Abilities

Wild Empathy, Favoured Enemy: Animals +2




Torag, Erastil




Common, Dwarven



Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 15
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Jarek Kozioł

Actual Look

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60ft., Perception +6
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2; Hardy
Speed 20 ft.
Melee boar spear +3 (1d8+3)
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16* (Stability)
Traits Pioneer, Cynic
Feats Quick Draw
Skills (9 points; 6 class, 0 INT, 1 favoured class, 2 background)
ACP -3
*ACP applies to these skills
*Climb +3
Handle Animal +4
K.Geography +4
K.Nature +4
Perception +6
Profession (Hunter) +6
*Stealth +4
Survival +6
*Swim +3
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses
Greed +2 on Appraise checks made to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Stonecunning +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Track +1 on Survival checks to follow tracks.
Languages Common, Dwarf

Special Abilities:

Favoured Enemy: Animals +2
Wild Empathy +0


0th (at will)
1st (0/day)


Boar Spear (5gp, 8lbs)
Hide Armor (15gp, 25lbs)
Light Crossbow (35gp, 4lbs)
Ranger's Pack (9gp, 28lbs)
Dog, guard (25gp)
Winter Outfit (8gp, 7lbs)
Explorer's Outfit (free, 8lbs)
Iron holy symbol of Torag (5gp, 1lbs)
Wooden holy symbol of Erastil (1gp)
Blanket (5sp, 3lbs)
Small tent (10gp, 20lbs)
Snowshoes (5gp, 4lbs)
Riding Kit (16gp, 54lbs)
Light horse (free)
Horseshoes game (5sp, 3lb)
Cooking Kit (3gp, 16lbs)
Handaxe (6gp, 3lbs)
Dagger (2gp, 1lb)
Carrying Capacity
Light 0-58 lb. Medium 59-116 lb. Heavy 117-175 lb.
Current Load Carried 49 lb. (Rest goes on horse)
Money 29 GP 0 SP 0 CP


Jarek never thought he was going to be a huntsman. His father was a goatherder on one of the less fertile plots, a ways off of Restov. Jarek always assumed that he would inherit the business, and technically that was true, but not in the way he wanted. He was barely considered an adult by Dwarf standards when his father Gustaw went into town to take some goats to the butcher, only to mysteriously disappear. Jarek and his older sister Belka did everything they could to find him, but no one had seen or heard of him.

The two siblings continued the business grimly after coming to grips with their father's death. Their mother hadn't survived giving birth to Jarek, likely due to the expense of a trained midwife; so they were on their own. Belka got married to a dairy farmer a year later. Jarek was happy for her, but now he was feeling more alone than ever.

It was only two years later when the herd was attacked by wolves. Normally this was something Jarek could deal with thanks to the wolfhounds they kept, but he was not prepared to deal with a direwolf. This pure black beast was the size of a horse, and crashed through the fence like an enraged boar. It slaughtered the goats as its pack of normal wolves herded them towards it, and cared little about the bolts Jarek tried to shoot it down with. When all the goats were dead, the direwolf turned to charge Jarek. He was about to try climbing onto the roof of the barn, but heard a whimper just beforehand. A recently born wolfhound puppy cried. Cursing along the way, Jarek ditched his crossbow to pickup the puppy, and as the direwolf charged at breakneck pace Jarek began to climb. If he took just a second or two longer, he would have been caught, but the direwolf couldn't quite reach the roof. Jarek stayed up there for two full days before the wolves finally moved on.

The next two years were very hard on Jarek. He was forced to sell his father's property for coppers since no one wanted a place that was pillaged by a direwolf. His brother-in-law let him crash for a while, but wouldn't let him stay indefinitely, and couldn't offer him a job. He sought charity from the little temple of Erastil in Restov, and in that time he learned how to hunt, skin, and trap animals for food and coin. Since then, he's carved out a little life for himself as a hunter who sells pelts and meat. It isn't much, but enough to get by.

When the Swordlords started searching for people to take part in the exploration of the Stolen Lands, Jarek couldn't help but apply. He had been down there on several occasions, and would make for a pretty good guide.

Appearance and Personality:

Jarek is a young adult Dwarf with long dark brown hair, with a scruffy beard and an overgrown moustache. His family originally came from Kellid lands, so he tends to dress in furs adorned with fake zoic fetishes made of animal bones. He has grey eyes that have a habit of squinting when he is suspicious or just pondering.
Czarek is a brown wolfhound with plenty of white around his neck, belly, and paws. He's very smiley and friendly, but he nips when in play time. He's 2 years old and has more energy than Jarek knows what to do with.

Jarek is a cynical, gruff Dwarf who has a rather inappropriate sense of humour, and is usually skeptical of the motives of others. That being said, he is extremely loyal once his trust is earned. Jarek really enjoys being at a pub with good ale and lively music, and may have been part of a "good natured" brawl from time to time.
He doesn't have any idea what he would like to do with his life, since he really doesn't have the money to learn to be a mason, smith, or anything like that. However, since his father disappeared and very few people remembered him, Jarek has decided that he wants to live a life that can be remembered once he's gone. Raising goats doesn't do that.
His fears are being forgotten or being insignificant, but he does also have a paralysing fear of heights. In terms of faith, Jarek essentially adopted Erastil into the Dwarven pantheon. There isn't really a Dwarven God of Agriculture and Hunting, after all. He's not fond of Pharasmins, for he blames their exorbitant prices to be the reason behind his mother's death.