James Becker 517's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Luthril.

Silver Crusade

My first big game day reporting sessions since core was implemented.

issue 1 has already been brought up - EMerald spire has only one reporting option instead of individual floors and so everyone reported at that table got no credit on the website...

issue 2 I have not seen mentioned - both myself and one of my VLs ran Core season 0 goodness... games were reported... even with unregistered poepl in them everything seems to report fine for the players at the table, but both GMs got the "Player has already run scenario at session...." message and "no credit", because we had of course both run those scenarios before Core as a regular scenarios. I realise the chronicle is king, but I like to be able to see how much prestige my little guys are earning and this screws that all up. Is there no way for the reporting to know that you are applying credit to a Core character?

Is this being looked at and worked on?

Uncle Luth out.