
Jalina Dusksong's page

8 posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name

Jalina Dusksong




Sorcerer 5 (Djinni bloodline)







Special Abilities

Elemental assault, Energy resistance, Low-light vision, Negotiator




Calistria, Desna, Milani, Sivanah


Aquan, Common, Draconic

Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 20

About Jalina Dusksong

Female Native Outsider Sorceress 5 (Djinni bloodline)
Favoured class = Sorcerer

Init +1; Senses Low-light vision

AC 11 (+1 Dex.)
hp 28
Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +4

Speed 30 ft.



Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20

Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD +15

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Katana)
Extend Spell
Incremental Elemental Assault

Bluff +12 (4 skill ranks, +5 Cha., +3 class skill)
Bluff +13 vs. those who might be attracted to you
Diplomacy +8 (1 skill rank, +5 Cha., +2 Negotiator)
Knowledge (arcana) +9 (5 skill ranks, +1 Int., +3 class skill)
Diplomacy +9 vs. those who might be attracted to you.
Profession (fortune teller) +4 (1 skill rank, +3 class skill)
Sense motive +3 (1 skill rank, +2 Negotiator)
Spellcraft +9 (5 skill ranks, +1 Int., +3 class skill)
Use magic device +10 (2 skill ranks, +5 Cha., +3 class skill)


Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of energy to electricity. This also changes the spell's descriptor to match this energy type.

Elemental Assault

Elemental Resistance: Electricity resistance 10.

Energy Ray: 8/day; any foe within 30 ft. as ranged touch attack; 1d6+2 electricity damage.

Energy Resistance: acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5

Low-light vision


6 / 8 / 5

Currently available:
6 / 8 / 5

Spells known:
0 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison
1 - Charm Person, Ear-Piercing Scream, Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp
2 - Command Undead, Invisibility, Summon Monster II


Jalina is slender and short of stature, with the features and dusky skin of the desert-born. Her black eyes often sparkle with mischief and she is quick to smile or grin - or bat her eyelids at the next mark. Her long, straight, red hair looks out of place on her at first, but only at first; Jalina has many vanities, but her hair is definitely one of her greatest. She never lets a day pass without carefully brushing and braiding it.

The caravan passed through Kassen sixteen years ago. When it left, several people discovered that the dusky-skinned foreigners had stolen several items of small value but great sparkle -- and that they had abandoned one particular 'valuable' of their own in an abandoned dog house. No one knew the newborn Jalina was there until she grew hungry and started to scream for her mother. In the absence of her parents, and with no way of catching up to the wily merchants and thieves, the townsfolk of Kassen reluctantly took her in. They had plenty of reason to recall their initial reluctance as the girl grew up.

Jalina was vain and lazy; rather than work hard at chores put before her, she would sneak off and spend the day gazing at herself in the river, or steal apples from the orchard and throw she ones she did not eat at the caretakers who had tried to discipline her. She would talk other children into playing hooky along with her, and lead them on pointless 'adventures' in the area surrounding Kassen. If given half a chance, she would steal pies and sweets, play pranks on her elders and betters, or con the girls from wealthier families into giving her their pretties.

If not for two people, Jalina would probably have been run out of town well before she came of age.
Old Mother Well was an aged old Sorceress, who had been quietly watching the end of her days approach from behind her cottage window. One day, Jalina charged past, being chased by the owner of a mysteriously vanished roast chicken, and the old woman stirred from her rocking chair for the first time in years. The town elders were well-pleased when 'the mad old witch' asked to have Jalina put under her care. If Jalina was initially reluctant about this arrangement, she soon became very enthusiastic as her new caregiver taught her to explore the magic native to her blood, and shared a lifetime of lore gained as a working Sorceress with her, not to mention all the tricks needed for professional fortune-telling. As Old Mother Well put it, sometimes you needed to know what was coming, and other times you needed to bilk a fool out of money so you could live; the cards would serve her well either way.
When Old Mother Well finally died and Jalina was turfed out of her cottage so a young family could move in, she was close to leaving herself. She was half-heartedly practising the use of a quarterstaff, one of Old Mother Well's last gifts, when the town Sheriff spotted her. While the older man and the self-centered Suli had never enjoyed what one might call a warm and positive relationship, the Sheriff felt decidedly uncomfortable with the idea of Jalina going out into the big, bad world with as little weapons training as she had. Before Jalina could blink, she found herself the Sheriff's houseguest and his most unwilling apprentice. Training under the Sheriff's tutelage was an unsatisfactory thing to Jalina; forced to drill when she would rather sleep in and prevented from her favourite pranks and vanities, she nevertheless managed to develop some skills. She was stunned when the Sheriff presented her with an exotic blade he had purchased from a passing caravan on a whim, several years ago, as a kind of graduation gift.

Armed with magic and steel, Jalina could have left then... but she decided to at least stay for the coming-of-age ceremony. It could be amusing. Besides - although she would never admit this - she felt she owed this much to the Sheriff and Old Mother Well, who had armed her for her future.