Weapons - 75, 000 gp
[NECK]Amulet of Mighty Fists +3 [Keen(1) + Sonic Burst(2)] = 45,000
[SCABBARD]Luckblade (0 wishes) = 22,060
[BACKPACK] Javelin of Lightning(x5) = 7,500
Balance Remaining: 440
Armour and Protective Items - 60, 000 gp
[WRIST] Bracers of AC +6 [+1 ac, Spell Resistance 19 (+5 bonus)] = 36,000
[FINGER(L)] Ring of Protection +3 = 18,000
Balance Remaining: 6,000
Goods and Services - 5, 000 gp
[Backpack]Everburning Torch 110gp 1lb
[Backpack]Healer's Kit 50gp 1lb
Horse, Heavy(trained for war.) 300gp --
(stuff on the horse.)
Military Saddle 20gp 30lb
Saddlebags 4gp 08lb
Tent 10gp 20lb
Cold-weather Outfit 08gp 07lb
10 gallon barrel of ale 02gp 80lb
Balance Remaining: 4,496
Potions and Scrolls - 10, 000 gp
[Backpack Compartment 1]
Bard (written at 4th level) - Cure Moderate Wounds 2d8+4 (x19) = 3,800
Bard (written at 4th level) - Invisibility (4 min. duration.) (x5) = 1,000
[Backpack Compartment 1]
Neutralize Poison = 1,050
Potion of Remove Blindness = 750
Potion of Remove Deafness = 750
Potion of Water Breathing = 750
Potion of Water Walking = 750
Potion of Speak With Dead = 750
Potion of Endure Elements(x2) = 100
Potion of Bull Strength = 300
Balance Remaining: 0
Magic items - 90, 000 gp
[BODY] Monk's Robe = 13,000 (+5 levels worth of AC and Unarmed damage as monk.)
[BACK] Cloak of Displacement, Minor 24,000 (20%) miss chance.
[WAIST] Belt of Giant Strength +6 = 36,000
[FEET] Boots of Levitation = 7,500
[Backpack] Bottle of Air =7,250
[BACK] Handy Haversack = 2,000
Balance Remaining: 250