![]() About Jak HarkinsonJak Harkinson
Speed 30 Ft.
CMB +7
OFFENSE BAB = +5 MW Hand and a Half (Warder’s) Sword +11 1d10+3 (19/20 *2)
Note: +2 attack and damage vs Channelers Special Effects:
Level 1 (2 Ranks): BOAR RUSHES DOWNHILL: Full Round Action: attacker charges, applying double strength bonus for damage, but lowers Defense by 3 (Requirements Str 13+) CAT DANCES ON THE WALL: Full Attack Action - feints and short thrusts and slashes. Opponents must make reflex saves (DC 10+ Character’s BAB) or lose Defense against the attack = to the character’s BAB. Only one attack roll is made and it does normal damage if it succeeds. (Requirements Dex13, Bluff 2 Ranks) ((Knows but cannot perform, needs Bluff)) MOON ON THE WATER: Attack action providing a +2 attack bonus against an opponent who has already acted this round. (No Requirements) CAT CROSSES THE COURTYARD (knows, but cannot perform - Needs Quickdraw) FALLING LEAF: (knows, but cannot perform - needs WIS 15) Level 2 (3 Ranks):
COURTIER TAPS HIS FAN: Full Attack Action. Powerful overhand blow designed to kill swiftly. Subtract 5 from your attack roll, but double your strength bonus for damage and double your weapon's critical threat range. (Requires Weapon Focus (any) HERON WADING IN THE RUSHES: Attack action. If your enemy attacks you and you limit your defense to 10 + Armor only (no defense or dex), you may make an immediate strike at your opponent, whose defense is reduced the same as yours. If you successfully strike your opponent, it is considered a critical strike. (Requirements - none) Leaf on the Breeze: Reflex Action. To use the form, character must fight at full defense. When hit by an opponent, make a SF Skill check (DC10 + opponent’s BAB + The extra you were hit by) to avoid the damage. (Requirements - Dex & Wis 13) KINGFISHER TAKES A SILVERBACK: (Knows but can’t perform - needs Imp Initiative) RANK 3: BOAR RUSHES DOWN THE MOUNTAIN CAT ON HOT SAND HUMMINGBIRD KISSES THE HONEY ROSE: MOON RISES OVER THE WATER: RANK 4: RIBBON IN THE AIR: RIVER UNDERCUTS THE BANK: SWALLOW TAKES FLIGHT: Ability Scores:
Special Training, Feats, Class Features
Contact Count: 0 Rage Count: 0 Communicate: (1/day) Telepathic Range = level x5 miles Aid: 1d6 wolves w/ DC 15 Empathy check (DC 20 if endangered / no check if action is against Shadowspawn) Arrival Time: 10 minutes x Distance in miles Eyes (Will become amber colored at level 2) Golden eyes give +2 circumstance to Bluff and Intimidate, -2 to Diplomacy and Disguise. +1 Reputation. Rage: When fighting, make Will DC 15 (20 if fighting with wolf allies). Failed check sends Isa into a rage: +2 Str & Con, -2 AC. Wolfname: Unknown Madness: Level: Unknown (DM tracks) Currently 2d6 Gain 1 point every time he communicates telepathically or enters a rage. 10 points of madness gained in this manner grants one of the feats Heightened Senses or Wolfdream for free. Equipment:
Longbow, MW Arrows (40) Warder’s Sword, MW Boar Spear Dagger Mail Shirt Explorer’s Outfit Winter Blanket Bedroll Flint/Steel Manacles Silk Rope Waterskin Rations (10) Healer’s Kit White Cloak (always kept in backpack) Backpack Light Warhorse
Backstory & General Info:
Culture: Midlander (Rural Andoran) Gender: Male Social Class: Commoner Sibling Rank: 5th Child of 7 (4 older brothers, a younger sister, and a final younger brother) Parents: Raised by natural parents, both of whom are alive and still married. Appearance: Height: (5'10 inches)
Parent's Occupation: Miner
Jak Harkinson was born some 32 years ago in a small mining community out in rural Western Andor. His father worked in the mines while his mother tended the home, tilled the garden, and raised their 7 children. Jak’s older brothers all followed their father’s footsteps into the mines, however Jak decided early on that he didn’t want to spend this turning of the wheel digging in the bowels of the earth if he could help it. When he was around 17 years of age, a troop of whitecloaks came trotting into the settlement one day with their gleaming armor, pristine cloaks, and fine, prancing horses, and so he was easily seduced by the sight and promise of glory and of the opportunity to truly make a difference for good in the world. Almost without hesitation, Jak and a couple other young lads had signed their names to the register of new recruits, much to the silent dismay of his folk. Jak quickly learned that his dreams of glory in actuality meant hours of scrubbing rust from armor, polishing boots, tending horses, and running endless errands for the more veteran soldiers and officers. Still, it was better than toiling for ore far from the sun, and the young man soon settled into the routine of a soldier’s life. While he possessed nowhere near the zeal that some of the children did, having joined out of youthful exuberance and a desire to escape a grueling life, as he grew older Jak could not deny that there was indeed a need to guard against the corruption of the shadow in the hearts of men. There was truly evil out there in the world, he had witnessed a good deal of it. While Jak wasn’t completely sold about the Children’s stance on all women who could channel (the Andoran Queens had long had a tradition of studying at the Tower after all, so how evil could they truly be?), there was c wariness and keeping ones distance from them was just good common sense. The eager and studious young man showed promise, especially with bow and sword and tracking. He was soon taken under the wing of one of the commanders and a blademaster named Mathias Korwin. Who drilled him endlessly with the sword until Jak could move and dance with the blade with a fluid and deadly grace. After several years, duty took Jak westward, into Amadicia and beyond, fighting several skirmishes and battles, most recently with the Seanchan invaders. That is when fortune took a turn for the worst, for while on this campaign, Jak had begun having strange dreams and more and more frequent seemingly random run ins with wolves. During one battle in which the Children had lost terrible numbers, Jak was wounded and pulled to the safety of the forest by a pack of the beasts. When he returned to the lines, the men drew weapons on him, calling him darkfriend. He was the sole survivor of his unit and now he alone returned, with golden eyes that seemed to glow in the campfires. A Questioner was called. Being familiar with what such a meeting often meant, Jak fled, eluding pursuit. Wanted for questioning now, he headed east, confused and in search of answers.