If there's a time to rest (8 hours)and the spells chosen aren't QUITE what are needed for the operation, they can be swapped out as needed during the 'resting period'. If forced into melee in a tight spot, Jaimie will Fight Defensively (-4 to hit, +2 to AC) to try and protect themselves.
If Jaimie is able to act in the surprise round, their Perception score for the roll counts as two higher due to Wildling Senses.
Jaimie remembers little from their initial human heritage, having been regretfully abandoned by their parents fearing some sort of curse.
The congress of giant ravens that found them were bright -- for birds, at least -- and took the strange not-quite-bird-with-bad-wings in and fed them.
When Jaimie started getting older, though, the fussy oddbird's diet forced their adoptive parents to throw them out of the nest. Jaimie's response was to climb back INTO the nest.
After the second time this happened, druids of the Arthfell Forest came to see what the commotion was about, and took in the diferently-formed child.
After some Society agents intervened on a matter of some local import, Jaimie was pushed towards the Society with an eye to hopefully getting them either 'fixed' to normal standards or to expand their knowledge base.
The Society didn't know what to do with them. They were odd, and had a hard time relating to humanoids -- though their wildswork has been remarkably impressive.
In the event connection is hard to establish, my point of contact email is BrionnMcD@aol.com.