
JaeWalker's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 5 posts (8 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 16 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.



Good job, Doug! You're one the the best GMs I've played with. We miss you here in Lansing.

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Sir_Wulf wrote:

I'm really curious what happened to that group. On what disaster did the reviewer base his conclusions?

I haven't read or played this one yet, but it was run at NeonCon and I don't remember any howls of despair and frustration.

Hey man, you're ruining my buzz.

Ah, so you really are all about killing as many characters as you possibly can with hyper-optimized monsters? Good to know. I'm so glad that it gives you a thrill - we didn't enjoy either of your scenarios.

This reviewer based HER conclusions on a TPK in a dungeon where the only way out is to defeat the final boss. I purchased the scenario after the debacle, and based my review on reading it after our disappointing experience. It wasn't just about the GM's unholy dice luck (though that didn't help) - it was about what seems to me to be a very deliberate design decision to kill characters who turn out to be underpowered. They were smart enough to flee - they simply weren't allowed to.

It does appear that you're very pleased with your design choices. I wish you joy of them. It's not the kind of experience I'd come to enjoy playing Pathfinder since the beginning of the campaign. If it's indicative (as it seems to be, based on Mark's response) of the overall campaign design and direction I'm afraid I'll be parting ways with Pathfinder.

I'm not just whining because I lost a beloved character, though that does factor into it, I'm also very unhappy with the Gygaxian approach used in the construction of the dungeon crawl. It's not fun for me.

I stand by my one star review, and will indeed be avoiding the author's works in the future unless I hear a decent review from someone whose judgment I respect.


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
You scheduled it as a home game and home games don't have that button.

Oh. Should I delete it and re-report it, then?




I entered a gameday yesterday (2 mods, 2 sessions), and I'm not finding the button that lets me report the completed gameday. I've tried in Firefox, Chrome and IE... is it hiding somewhere?


Jae Walker

Paizo rocks for their support of this! (Okay, Paizo rocks period.)

I've set up a web site to use as an information clearinghouse - Toys4Troops.org (mentioned above in the link for Support Our Troops).

Kudos to Gamegrene for bringing it up in the first place. I'm hoping they get so much stuff they'll never run out!