Classes/Levels |
Male N Human Soldier Icon 2 | HP 18/18 Stamina 16/16 Resolve 4/4 | F+4 R+3 W+3 | KAC 17 EAC 15 | Init +7 |
About Jacob Carmine
Jacob Carmine
Male human soldier 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +1
KAC 17; EAC 15
hp 18; stamina 16; resolve 4
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3;
Defensive Abilities armor training
Weaknesses none
Speed 25 ft.
Melee unarmed +3 1d3 b
Ranged Azimuth laser rifle +6 (1d8, crit: burn 1d6)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +2;
Feats light armor, heavy armor, basic melee, advanced melee, grenades, small arms, longarms, improved initiative, weapon focus (longarms), Deadly Aim
Theme Icon
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Culture +5, Diplomacy +2*, Engineering +4, Perception +1, Piloting +3, Profession (Video Personality) +5
Languages Common
SQ none
Other Gear azimuth laser rifle, lashunta ringwear, battery, personal comm unit, flashlight, consumer backpack, professional clothing (uniform), hygene kit, camera and recording buttons, 11 credits
Special Abilities
Primary Fighting Style: Guard
Style Technique: Armor Training -1 ACP, +1 max dex
Deadly Aim: When you take the attack or full attack action with weapons (including a solarian’s solar manifestation, but not spells or other special abilities of any kind), you can take a -2 penalty to your attack rolls. If you do, those attacks deal additional damage equal to half your base attack bonus (minimum 1).
*Jacob found a new token that can be attached to his lapel. When he clicks it on, he feels himself be much more savvy. (His online vid presence is beginning to spread, at least upon the Exodus. When interacting with others he gains a circumstantial diplomacy bonus of +1)
Jacob carmine is a public figure of a soldier, similar to how Commander Shepard was in the mass effect series. His bravery during an attack on a human colony put him in the public light, and now he uses it to his advantage.
5 Essential Things:
1- Jacob comes from a long line of military service. His mother and grandmother are notable generals, and his father died in battle with a gang of space pirates.
2- Jacob holds himself up to high standards, comporting himself with professionalism.
3- Jacob was essential in holding a human colony from an attack by the Swarm until Vesk military aid could arrive.
4- Jacob believes that a good soldier will stand and fight for what's right.
5- As much as it is a pain to deal with, Jacob also secretly enjoys being in the limelight.
2 Goals:
1- Recover the Tactical Autobeam Rifle his father lost when he died. While his body had been recovered, the customized weapon was not.
2- Achieve great fame throughout the pact worlds (and beyond).
2 Secrets:
1- During the battle with the swarm, Slade had crumpled under the pressure and tried to flee. The rest of the squad had died before reporting it, so Carmine covered it up claiming she had been injured instead. He didn't want her to ruin her otherwise good record, even if such an action would have been understood, considering the situation.
2- His superiors had known about the presence of the swarm in the system, yet due to budget concerns sent an undersized patrol hedging their bets that the swarm wouldn't care about a single small colony. His mother was a commander at the time, and knows about this.
3 People:
1- Grandmother Carmine (Neutral): While able to offer familial support, she is strictly incapable of providing any professional or military support whatsoever. She does think his actions are great for improving recruitment efforts (as a public figure), but also worries his actions encourage reckless behavior in the troops.
2- Sirhalion (Enemy): Sirhalion leads a pirate gang called 'Silver Hellions'. He is the one who killed Jacob's father and is a general thorn in the pact world's side. He knows Jacob's publically called him out and is ignoring it because it amuses him to see the kid search.
3- Captain Valerie Slade (positive): Jacob's primary contact on Absalom station, she and him have a playful, yet platonic banter. She was the only other serviceman to survive the Swarm's attack on the human colony that propelled Jacob into fame.
3 Memories:
1- The first day of boot: Jacob Carmine had been anticipating joining military service his entire life, and remembers the enthusiasm he felt on the first day with pride.
2- The Swarm: Carmine was part of a fifteen-man squad on patrol near an outlying human colony when a branch of the swarm attacked. The squad fought and died protecting the evacuation efforts, and it had been down to Carmine and Slade by the time Vesk battlecruisers arrived to fight back the swarm. Carmine was in the thick of the fighting the entire time and was witnessed fighting impossible odds to save every life he could. Those battles, and deaths, still give him occasional nightmares.
3- The first crowd of fans he ever made a public appearance for. It gave him hope that he could also do more for the pact worlds not just as a soldier, but as a symbol.