
JM Playtest Kyra's page

24 posts. Alias of James Martin (RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32).


| HP 58/58 Focus 4/4 | AC 22, T 19 | F +8 R +8 W +11 | Perc +10


| Speed 20ft | Channel 6/6 | Active Conditions: none


“Kyra” | Female NG Medium Human Cleric 5

About JM Playtest Kyra

Versatile Human (Keleshite) Cleric 5
Neutral Good
Perception +10 (expert)
Background Acolyte
Languages Common, Kelish
Str 16 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 16 (+3)
Focus 4 Resonance 9
HP 58
AC 22 TAC 19
Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +11
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 scimitar +9 (2d6+3 slashing); forceful, sweep
Ranged expert sling +8 (1d6+1 bludgeoning)
Ranged fire ray +7 (3d6+4 fire)
Acrobatics +1
Arcana +5 T
Athletics +2 (+4) T
Crafting +1
Deception +4
Diplomacy +9 E
Intimidation +4
Lore (Sarenrae) +5 T
Lore (Other) +1
Medicine +10 E
Nature +9 T
Occultism +1
Performance +8 T
Religion +9 T
Society +5 T
Stealth +1
Survival +5
Thievery +1

Use the bonus in parentheses for Athletics checks that have the attack trait,
including Break Open, Disarm, Grapple, Shove, and Trip.

Feats and Abilities
Ancestry feats Natural Ambition, Skilled
Class feats Expanded Domain, Healing Hands, Selective Energy
General feats Alertness*, Toughness*
Skill feats Battle Medic, Group Impression, Student of the Canon
Class abilities Channel energy (positive, heal 6/day), domains (fire, healing)

* Abilities marked with an asterisk are already reflected in other statistics.
Bulk 5, 7L
Worn backpack, +1 chain mail*, silver religious symbol
Weapons +1 scimitar, expert sling with 10 bullets
Stowed bedroll, candles (10), divine prayer beads, flint and steel, healer’s
tools (expert), holy water (3), rations (3 days), religious text, scroll
of heroism, scroll of restoration (2nd), scroll of see invisibility,
sheath, wand of heal (2nd, DC 20, 4 charges), wand of sanctuary
(DC 18, 6 charges), waterskin
Wealth 2 gold, 1 silver, 6 copper

The following rules apply to Kyra’s equipment.

Kyra is assumed to have invested resonance in equipment marked with
an asterisk (*) above.

Forceful (trait): When you attack with this weapon more than once on
your turn, the second attack adds a +1 circumstance bonus to damage,
and each attack after that adds a +2 circumstance bonus to damage.
Sweep (trait): When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1
circumstance bonus on your attack roll if you already attempted an attack
this turn against a different creature from your target.
Healer’s Tools (Expert): This kit of bandages, herbs, and suturing tools
is necessary for Medicine checks to Administer First Aid, Treat a Disease, or
Treat a Poison.

Feats and Abilities
Kyra’s feats and abilities are described below. Her Expanded Domain,
Human Ambition, Skilled, and Toughness feats are already applied to her
character statistics.

Anathema: Actions fundamentally opposed to your deity’s alignment or
ideals are anathema to your faith. Committing acts that are anathema to
your deity or their tenets take you out of their good graces. If you perform
enough of these actions, you can lose the magical abilities that come from
your deity, such as channel energy, domains, and spellcasting.
The following are anathema to Sarenrae: creating undead, failing to
strike down evil, lying, and succumbing to darkness.
[[A]] Battle Medic: You may attempt a DC 20 Medicine check to attempt
to heal yourself or an adjacent ally. On a success, the target regains 1d10+4
Hit Points, on a critical success the target regains 2d10+4 Hit Points, and on
a critical failure the target takes 1d10 points of damage. Regardless of the
result, the target is bolstered to your use of this ability after the attempt.
Channel Energy: You gain a pool of positive energy that lets you cast
the heal spell 6 times per day (see the spells below).
Deity and Domains: You revere the deity Sarenrae above all others. Your
devotion to her grants you numerous benefits that include gaining training
in the Medicine skill and scimitars, as well as access to several spells that do
not normally appear on the divine spellcasting list. You also gain a domain,
granting you a special power that you can cast using your pool of Spell
Points (5/day).
Group Impression: When you Make an Impression, you can compare
your Diplomacy check to the Will DCs of up to four targets instead of one.
[[F]] Healing Hands: You can add a Verbal Casting action when you start
to cast heal to heal a living creature in order to increase the number of Hit
Points the target regains by 1d8.
Powers You can spend Focus Points to cast your domain spells: fire ray
and healer’s blessing. Each casting costs 1 Focus Point.
Selective Energy: When you use the 3-action version of harm or heal,
you can designate 3 creatures to exclude from being targeted by the spell.
Student of the Canon: When attempting a Religion check to Read
Scripture or to Recall Knowledge about the tenets of faiths, you treat a
critical failure as a failure instead.

Spell Roll +9 DC 19
Cantrips (at will): forbidding ward, light, shield, stabilize
1st level: bless, mending, ray of enfeeblement
2nd level: resist energy, sound burst, spiritual weapon
3rd level: dispel magic, fireball
Powers (1 Focus Point): fire ray, healer’s blessing

Kyra can cast the following spells.

Bless ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You grant yourself and your allies
within 30 feet additional power. They gain a +1 conditional bonus to
attack rolls for up to 1 minute, but you must spend 1 action per round to
concentrate and maintain the spell. Bless can dispel bane.
Dispel Magic ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You attempt to dispel one spell
effect or unattended magic item within 120 feet. If the effect’s counteract
level is less than three, this automatically succeeds and the spell is dispelled
or the magic item becomes a mundane item of its type for 10 minutes;
otherwise, make a counteract check (Pathfinder Playtest p 319) against the
effect using your spell roll.
Fire Ray (1 Focus Point, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You attempt a ranged
touch Strike against one creature within 60 feet. If you hit, you deal 5d6+4
fire damage to the target plus 3d6 persistent fire damage. Full rules for this
power are the Resonance Test rules.
Fireball ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): At a range of 500 feet, a fireball
explodes in a 20-foot burst, dealing 6d6 fire damage. Creatures in the area
must attempt a Reflex save, taking half damage on a success, no damage
on a critical success, or double damage on a critical failure.
Forbidding Ward (cantrip, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You ward one ally
within 30 feet against the attacks and hostile spells of one enemy within
30 feet. The ally gains a +1 conditional bonus to Armor Class and saving
throws against the target enemy’s attacks, spells, and other effects for up
to 1 minute, but you must spend one action each round to concentrate to
maintain the spell.
Heal (channel energy or wand): You channel positive energy to heal
the living or damage the undead. There are three ways to cast this spell
depending on the number of actions you spend casting it.
[[A]] Somatic: The spell has a range of touch. When using channel energy,
you restore 5d8+4 Hit Points to a willing living target, or deal that amount
of positive damage to an undead target if you succeed at a melee touch
attack. Creatures in the area must attempt a Fortitude save, taking half
damage on a success, no damage on a critical success, or double damage
on a critical failure. The wand of heal heals living creatures or harms
undead for 1d8+4 Hit Points, and its saving throw is 18.
[[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal: The spell has a range of 30 feet and doesn’t
require a touch attack when targeting an undead creature. An undead
target must attempt a Fortitude save, taking half damage on a success,
no damage on a critical success, or double damage on a critical failure.
[[A]] Material, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal: You disperse positive energy
in a 30-foot aura. This functions as the 2-action version of the spell,
but targets all living and undead creatures in the burst and reduces the
amount of healing or damage to 2d8+4 (or 4 when using the wand).
Healer’s Blessing (1 Focus Point, [[A]] Somatic): Target yourself or an ally
within 30 feet. The next time the target casts a healing spell before the end
of your next turn, increase the healing by 12 if it targets one creature, or 6
if it targets multiple creatures. Full rules for this power are in the Resonance
Test rules.
Heroism (scroll only, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): Touch one humanoid
creature. For 10 minutes, it gets a +1 conditional bonus to attack rolls,
Perception checks, saving throws, and skill checks.
Light (cantrip, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): An object (Bulk 1 or less) you
touch begins to glow with pure light, casting bright light in a 20-foot
radius like a torch for 1 day. If you cast this spell again, the light on the
last object you cast it on is dismissed.
Protection ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): Choose chaotic, evil, or lawful. A
touched ally gains protection against creatures of the chosen alignment,
gaining a +1 conditional bonus to their Armor Class against their attacks
and a +1 conditional bonus to saving throws against effects they create. This
bonus increases to +3 against effects that would directly control the target
and against attacks made by summoned creatures.
Ray of Enfeeblement ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): Fire a ray as a ranged
touch attack at a target within 30 feet to enfeeble it. If the ray hits, the
creature attempts a Fortitude save. If your attack roll critically succeeds,
treat the target’s roll as if the result of its Fortitude save were one category
worse. Critical Failure: enfeebled 3, Failure: enfeebled 2, Success: enfeebled
1, Critical Success: unaffected.
Resist Energy ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): Choose acid, bold, electricity,
fire, or sonic damage. The target and its gear gain resistance 5 against the
type of damage you choose.
Restoration ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You touch a creature to treat its
ailments. You can reduce the stage of one toxin the target suffers by one
stage (this cannot cure a toxin or reduce its stage below 1). Alternatively,
you can reduce the value of the target’s enfeebled, sluggish, or stupefied
condition by 2, or reduce the value of two of these conditions by 1.
Sanctuary (wand, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You protect a touched target
from harm for one minute. On a failed DC 18 Will save, creatures who try
to attack the target waste their attack action and cannot attack the target
further for the rest of the turn (or for the duration of the spell on a critical
failure). A creature who succeeds can attack normally, and a creature who
critically succeeds also ends the sanctuary.
See Invisibility (scroll only, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal) You can see the
translucent shapes of invisible creatures and objects for 10 minutes. Treat
them as if they were concealed.
Shield (cantrip, [[A]] Verbal): You raise a magical shield of force to
protect yourself. This counts as using the Raise a Shield action to gain a
+1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn, though it
doesn’t require a hand to use. While the spell is in effect, you can use the
Shield Block reaction to reduce one attack’s damage to you. The shield
has Hardness 10. After you use Shield Block, the spell is dismissed and you
can’t cast it again for 10 minutes. Unlike a normal Shield Block, you can
also use the spell’s reaction against the magic missile spell.
Sound Burst ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): At a range of 30 feet, you deal
2d8 sonic damage to all creatures in a 10-foot area who fail a Fortitude
save. Affected creatures take half damage on a success or no damage on
a critical success. Creatures who fail take full damage and are deafened
for 1 round, or double damage and deafened for 1 minute on a critical
failure. If you prepare sound burst in a 3rd-level spell slot, it deals 3d8
sonic damage.
Spiritual Weapon ([[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): A scimitar made of force
appears next to a foe within 120 feet and makes a Strike against it (+9 to
hit for 1d8+4 damage). This weapon can deal slashing damage instead of
force, but has no other attributes of a scimitar. For the next minute, you
can spend at least 1 Concentrate action each round to maintain the spell.
Whenever you spend a concentrate action, you can move the weapon and
make another Strike with it. The spiritual weapon uses and contributes to
your multiple attack penalty.
Stabilize (cantrip, [[A]] Somatic, [[A]] Verbal): You cause one dying
creature within 30 feet to lose the dying condition. It remains unconscious
at 0 Hit Points.

What is a Cleric?
You are the stalwart mortal servant of a deity. Blessed with divine magic,
you can protect and heal your allies and lay waste to your foes.