JDabidR's page

12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Please Cancel my subscription, thanks for all the good books!!!

Howdy folks,
It looks like this order should have shipped with pathfinder 15 and pathfinder chronicles "Gods and Magic". I have received pathfinder 15 but not "Gods and Magic". Should they have shipped in the same package?
Thanks for looking into this for me,


Dear Sirs, Mams,

I put an order in for A chronicles subscription, largely to get the setting in both didgets and dead tree. There appears to have been a mess up at the front office as I now have an available download for a companion product. Could someone take a look into this and make sure that the proper product is on the download page? Thank you for you time and have a great day.


I currently have an order pending. I'm having problems with this card and should have it fixed within the next couple of days. Sorry if this has caused any inconvenience. Please don't send out Guido. (edit) A minute ago it looked wrong... now it looks right... ahh... push the button before the gremlins get at it again... run run ... Seriously if there are any further problems that you can see and I can't let me know.

Do you all split up the charges for shipping and product? On my account they are about 7 days apart?? I'm confused as to how you all do billing, and... the wife is losing patience. Can some one please explain? Great product thanks for your sweat and tears.
