Race |
Ifrit |
Classes/Levels |
Monk / Sorceror 7 |
About Izhu'al
It is said that the merchants of the Planes would do anything for the right price, even sell their own children. In the case of Izhu'al, it is true. One of the sons of a rich efreeti slaver and of a human courtesan, Izhu'al began to manifest his father's heritage while he was still young and started to produce flames from his own body. At the age of 7, his father sold him along with gems and magical items to a pompous noble, that wanted to add Izhu'al to his collection of exotic slaves and planar creatures.
The young ifrit endured the life of a house pet for another 7 years, waiting for the moment to exact revenge on his father and a good opportunity to flee from the merchant. This opportunity came just as Izhu'al started to feel strong enough to do it. While he was alone with the noble he killed him with his bare hands. His master's body burst into flames as he punched him to death, and so his whole palace started burning. Izhu'al left and wandered the street of the planar cities for another 7 years, living the life of a beggar and getting into numerous fight due to his hot temperament.
Then, after taking a particularly nasty beating from a group of thugs he angered, he was found almost dead in an alley by an old lizardfolk monk called Koros the Watcher. The wandering monk cured him at his monastery, a place hidden in the distant reaches of the Astral Plane, where who were once thieves and murderers have a chance to redeem themselves and start a new life, reaching illumitation by learning the value of tranquility, compassion and pacifism. Izhu'al trained here for another 7 years, among with companions of many different races and origins. He realized that the only true way to achieve his revenge was to actually forgive his father, that the suffering he had been through wasn't worth taking another life, that his rage had to be transformed into self discipline
But this didn't last. A group of extraplanars pirates showed up at the monastery, demanding all of its few possessions. The monks didn't do anything to stop them, knowing that every battle that can be avoided is another step towards the true illumination. But Izhu'al wasn't able to stop his old blood taking advantage of him. Trying to scare them one of the pirates away, he accidentally killed him, triggering a terrible reaction from the rest of the crew. The pirates killed every single one of the non violent monks within the monastery, and forced him to watch while they held him in chain. When the killing blow, a sword through the stomach, finally came, Izhu'al welcomed it as a fitting end for his violent life.
It has been 7 years since he's dead.
Izhu'al has onix dark skin and fiery red eyes, hair and beard. Hot blooded and short tempered, he only wears short trousers, sandals, sacred wristband and a belt made of red, ever moving dark red spheres.
LN Ifrit Monk (Monk of the Four Winds/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 5
Sorceror (Fire Elemental Bloodline) 2
Init +9; Senses Perception +8, Darkvision 60 ft
AC 19, touch 18, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +3 Wis, +1 Natural, +1 Bonus, +1 Dodge)
hp 52 (5d8+2d6+27)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 against enchantment)
Special Fire Resistance 5, Still Mind, Iron Limbs Defense (+4 shield AC), Iron Monk, Purety of Body
Speed 40 ft
Melee unarmed strike +9 (1d8+3/x2)
Melee flurry of blows +9/+9 (1d8+3/1d8+1/x2)
Melee Elemental Strike +9 (1d8+3 +2d6 elemental damage/x2)
Ranged Elemental Ray +8 (1d6+1 fire)
Special Elemental Strike 5/day, Fast Movement, Arcane Strike, Desperate Battler
Spells Known (CL 2st, concentration +7 DC 13 + spell level):
1st (5/day)— mage armor, ray of enfeeblement
0 — acid splash, detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, spark
Special 1/day - burning hands; Ki Pool 7
Bloodline Power: Elemental Ray 6/day
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Attack +4; CMB +5, CMD 20
Feats Arcane Strike, Deflect Arrows, Desperate Battler, Dodge, Elemental Strike, Eschew Materials, Extra Ki, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Weapon Finesse (unarmed strike)
Traits Desperate Focus, Reactionary
Special Elemental Affinity, Bloodline (Fire Elemental), Bloodline Arcana (change elemental descriptor to fire), Maneuver Training
Skills Acrobatics +10, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Planes) +5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +9
Combat Gear amulet of mighty fists
Other Gear headband of inspiring wisdom +2; necklace of fireballs V (1 9d6; 2 7d6; 2 5d6; 2 3d6)