IthinkIbrokeit |

I am looking for some help with some characters for a Curse of The Crimson Throne Pathfinder campaign. The game is played with friends and I would say its a low to moderately optimized game. We are currently on the second adventure "Seven Days to the Grave" and everybody is Level 5. The party is a Daring Champion Cavalier, a Vivisectionist Alchemist, an Inquisitor and a Sorcerer. I am playing the Daring Champion and I am helping the person playing the alchemist with their build (they tell me what they want their character to be like and I try to make it happen). The DM has told us that the AP runs to level 15-16.
I have a good amount of experience with pathfinder, and for d20 rpgs in general I have typically found it important to have a pretty firm idea of the long term plan for each character/build if you don't wnat your character to end up being ineffective.
The Alchemist player selected the vivisectionist because they were not a big fan of bombs. They like rogue types (has played a rogue, bard, and now the alchemist). They were not interested in the beastmorph/natural attack version of the vivisectionist at all. They wanted the extracts, sneak attack and to dual wield daggers. The build below is what I have thus far.
Ability Scores (20 point point buy)
S (10) D (16) C(10) I (16) W(10) Ch (10)
Race: Human (+2 Int)
Skill Points / Level: 10 [class (4), Int (4), Race (1), Favored Class (1)
Skills (max each): Craft Alchemy, Acrobatics, Bluff, Disable Device, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Nature, Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth, Use Magic Device
Traits: Family Honor, Slippery, River Rat, Reactionary [Note: DM allows selection of 2 Traits, 1 from the campaign players guide, 1 of players choice. I have also taken the "extra traits" feat see below)
Feats (level): Weapon Finesse (Human) Extra Traits [River Rat/Reactionary] (1), Two weapon fighting (3), Weapon Focus [dagger] (5), Flensing Strike (7), Improved Two Weapon Fighting (9), Extra Discovery [Promethean Disciple] (11), Improved Initiative (13), Greater Two Weapon Fighting (15).
Discoveries: Spontaneous Healing (2nd), Bleeding Attack (4th), Infusion (6th), Enhance Potion (8th), Crippling Strike (10th), Greater Mutagen (12th), Spell Knowledge (14th)
Ability Score Increases: 4th (Dex), 8th (Dex), 12th (Dex)
Most commonly memorized Extracts:
1st: Adhesive Spittle, Heightened Awareness, Shield
2nd: Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Invisibility
3rd: Channel Vigor, Heroism, Fly
4th: Stoneskin, Dragon's Breath, Freedom of Movement
5th: Elemental Body II, Grand Destiny, Spell Resistance
This build is planned through level 15. As I said, the player was not interested in the Feral Mutagen/Beastmorph options. The player also really likes undead and wants to build a flesh golem/Frankenstein's Monster which is why I selected Promethean Disciple. I think the feat selections are pretty strong, however I could not find anything that really supported the build very well for level 13. Improved Initiative is a go to for sneak attackers like this build but level 13 seems rather late for that feat. I was thinking that by that level it would be pretty for sure that we could get this alchemist two daggers with the agile property and then take "double slice" instead.
Similarly without bombs there is a real lack discoveries to take. Bleeding attack isn't great but its something. For the last discovery I took Spell Knowledge but I am not even sure what spells would be good additions. I am also worried that "Enhance Potion" won't get a lot of use just because of the players level of experience. That's also why I am not focusing on extracts like Alchemical Allocation and Amplify Elixir.
Any advise, comments, help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!