About IssengrimIssengrim — LG Medium Male Human (Varisian) uMonk (Zen Archer) 4 / Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblood: Empyreal) 3
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17 (+18 vs. Giants)
HP 61 (7 HD; 3d6+4d10+14) Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +10
ALPHA STRIKE - FOB, PBS, Ki Flurry, Deadly Aim, Gravity Bow
Mods: +1 ATT/DAM vs Giants Specials
Ki Pool (8/day ; SWIFT)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +12)
Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +10) &
0 (at will)
Mods: +1 DC on spells and SLAs vs Outsiders Legend:
& = Magical Knack : +2 CL for Sorcerer
^ = Blood Havoc : +1 DAM/die for bloodline or evocation spells v = Varisian Tattoo : +1 CL for evocation spells # = Bloodline Tattoo : +1 CL for bloodline spells @= Spell Focus (Evocation) : +1 DC on Evocation Spells --------------------
BAB +5; CMB +8; CMD 30/25 Feats
Handy Haversack
7000GP Encumbrance Light <76 ; Medium 77-153 ; Heavy 154-230
Languages Common, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian, Sylvan SQ bloodline tattoos, familiar tattoo, fast movement (unchained), ki archery, ki pool (8 points), ki power (High Jump) Domain:
Touch of Good (Sp): Touch a creature as STAND action to grant a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws equal to half your cleric level (+3) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier (8).
Domain Spells:
Special Abilities:
Sorcerer Empyreal [Alt Celestial] Bloodline Power derives from WIS not CHA. Blood Havoc (Sorcerer Bloodline Power [1st]) +1 dam per die for spells belonging to bloodline or spell focus school. Blood Intensity +5 (Sorcerer Bloodline Power [3rd], 1/day) Add WIS bonus to maximum dice of damage (doesn't stack with intensify spell). Bloodline Tattoos (Ex) Bloodline spells are cast at +1 caster level. Varisian Tattoo (Evocation) Spells from chosen school gain +1 caster level. Combat Casting +4 to casting on the defensive Concentration checks Bloodline Spells bless (3rd), Monk
Feats / Traits
Issengrim is a 5'10" Varisian man of medium build in his mid-20’s. His tan skin appears weathered from years spent out of doors, baking the lines around his eyes into prominent creases. His hair is a slightly wavy, salt and pepper and his shrewd eyes are grey. For a Varisian, his taste in clothes is alarmingly bland - his rugged clothing is predominantly a mix of forest green and earthy browns. Over one shoulder is a quiver full of arrows and the other bears a thick bow of notable pull. More disturbing than his clothes - or anything else about him - is his face. The right side is perfectly normal, possibly even attractive. The left side is a mass of horrid claw marks that have healed into a set of jagged and crisscrossing scars that obscure a large, wine-colored birthmark and distort his features. (Trait: Birthmark, CHA:8) Backstory:
Issengrim doesn’t remember much of his earliest childhood, not even his name. The wine-colored birthmark set him apart from the others kids in his village, causing him to be ridiculed, teased, and called ‘Wartface’ or just ‘Wart’. When he was still very young, his family sent him away to Sandpoint. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe it had to do with his birthmark or maybe they were just too poor to feed another mouth. His father never explained it, just put him in the traveler’s wagon.
If he had any hopes that Sandpoint would be better, they didn’t last long. More kids, more teasing, more feeling out of place. The priests were nice to him but it just wasn’t enough. Rather than be sent away again, Wart ran away into the forest. He foraged and survived for awhile. It was hard, but at least the trees and animals didn’t laugh at him. One animal, a large, mean-tempered badger took more than a passing interest in the boy. It tried to kill the child when he strayed too close to its den. The beast tore into Wart’s face and neck. The badger would have killed the boy if his screams hadn’t attracted the notice of a sisterhood of Anhana. They talked the badger out of its purpose and tended to Wart until his wounds healed some months later. When they said he was well enough to return to Sandpoint, he begged to stay. He knew he would be teased worse and, unlike the humans, the Anhana saw nothing wrong with his face. At length, they were convinced to let him stay. To prepare him for the world, they taught him their ways, some rudimentary survival skills, and touched the magic in his blood. (Trait: Magical Knack, Lang: Sylvan, Class: Sorc) The Anhana never seemed to age but years passed for Wart. His curiosity about humanity grew. To satisfy this itch, the Anhana introduced Wart to a few of the woodsmen they liked. He was encouraged when his face drew only a look or two but no hard comments. He became friends with the woodsmen and their families. Sometimes, he would sneak to the edges of Sandpoint to clandestinely observe the comings and goings of the town. He even met with one of the priestesses, when she strolled in the forest, and learned a few things about the town, Erastil, and his curious birthmark. (K:Religion) His life was making sense… and then came the hard spring, with the rains and landslides that killed a woodsman he knew. The man’s family was likely going to starve and game was scarce, having fled the landslides. Wart knew the rules… the Scarnetti family were bastards and you didn’t hunt deer on their land. But it was a good-sized herd that hadn’t fled. He puzzled on it. Like Erastil, Wart knew that you have to take care of your pack, your community. The Anhana, and the woodsmen, and even the priestess were his pack. He had a duty and it was the right thing to do… but the law (informal or not) said ‘no’. So, what’s a boy to do when the choice is between being lawful or being good? He shot and dressed two deer then gave them to the woodsman’s widow. Properly salted and stored, the family would eat well for half a year, maybe longer… long enough. He never learned how the Sheriff figured out he had slain the deer. Maybe it was just a lucky guess and he was dumb enough to confirm it when questioned. The matter was quickly resolved. Scarnetti (the Youngling) wanted Wart’s hands chopped off. The Sheriff insisted prison was the right solution for a teen who only killed a couple deer. Scarnetti wasn’t happy but the Sheriff wasn’t a man to budge. The sheriff drove the shackled teen to prison personally, except it wasn’t a ‘prison’, it was a monastery. As he handed the youth over to the monks, he smiled at the kid and said, ”Sister Thea thinks a follower of Erastil should work on his archery. That’s not a bad idea. You might want to work on not getting caught as well. And you’ll want to stay away from Sandpoint for a good, long while. The Scarnetti got long memories.” Wart took those suggestions to heart in the following years as he worked and trained at the monastery.
Chronology 4681 AR — Wart (aka Issengrim) born
L08: Sorcerer 04: 2nd Level Spells | Holy Lance 1/Day, Holy Smite, +1 STAT L09: Monk 05: Style Strike (?), Ki Arrows | FEAT L10: Arcane Archer 01: Enhance Arrows (Magic) | Dispel Evil L11: Monk 06: Weapon Specialization (Longbow), Ki Power (?), Bonus FEAT, +20’ Move| FEAT L12: Arcane Archer 02: Imbue Arrows | Holy Lance 2/Day, Blade Barrier, +1 STAT L13: Monk 07: Ki Strike (Cold Iron/Silver)| FEAT L14: Arcane Archer 03: 3rd Level Spells, Enhance Arrows (Elemental) | Holy Word L15: Monk 08: Ki Power (?), UA 1d10, AC +2 | FEAT L16: Arcane Archer 04: Seeker Arrows | Holy Lance 3/Day, Holy Aura, +1 STAT L17: Monk 09: Reflexive Shot, Style Strike (?), +30’ Move | FEAT L18: Monk 10: Bonus FEAT, Ki Power (?), Ki Strike (Lawful) | Monster Summoning IX L19: Monk 11: FOB (+1 ATTACK), Trick Shot | FEAT L20: Monk 12: Ki Power (?), UA 2d6, AC +3, +40’ Move | Holy Lance 4/Day, +1 STAT Bold FEATs ; Italicized Spells ABP AP:
15 pts 3 Mental Ability +1 WIS / +1 INT 1 Physical Ability +1 STR 1 +1 Resistance Saves 8 +2 Weapon 2 +1 Natural Armor Familiar: Zoeye |