
Inspector Meepo's page

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Set wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
What's the official alignment ruling on puppy stomping?

Hell Hound puppy stomping is good.

Hound Archon puppy stomping is evil.

If the puppy was someone elses property, it's chaotic.

If you vere unter ordurs, it's lawful.

Tossing Bezikira (hellcat) kittens into a chipper-shredder? Major good karma. Bad for the chipper-shredder, 'though. 'Cause of the DR.

It says under alignment that killing the innocent is an evil act. I don't know if puppies and kittens are old enough to have committed an evil act.

On that note, my group once had to make a will save or we were forced to guillotine babies.

Thank you, I don't know how I missed that.

I noticed Chuffy has a book for his alchemy. I assume this book contains writing in it. How would this be handled? (sorry if this has been asked)