Grey Maiden

Inquisitor_Corvis's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I dislike water on my face.
"When" I wear socks, they have to be mismached.
I never sit with my back to the door.
I do not eat the toppings off of pizza.
I like Mondays.
I sleep with my feet sticking out of the blankets.

LU-Lawful Undecided
KS-Kinda Sorta
LG-Lazy Guy
NG-Not Great

Once a queen, always a queen.

Tirq of the many faces

I am the queen of all I see.....and I see minions, pages of minions. I am the sum of all those that came before me.

Tacoma. There are at least 3 of us that would like to play, if not an additional 3. Would love to start at regular game, monthly or bi monthly.

Hi! I and my house mates and one of our friends are looking for an extra player/GM. There will be anywhere between 2-6 of us. We do have children, so hosting a game would work out best for us. Please let us know if there is anybody that is interested in playing.

Silk is good and Velvet is better, but Belgarath beats them both, hands down.

Phedre is all sorts of interesting.

Horus is the reason the galexy burns.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Kill it! Kill it with fire!"