Bonus Trained Skill: Humans are versatile and accomplished at many tasks. A human character chooses one additional trained skill at 1st level.
Bonus Feat: Humans gain one bonus feat at 1st level.
Initiative +6, Knowledge (Life Sciences) +7, Knowledge (Social Sciences) +7, Persuasion +7, Pilot +5, Treat Injury +7 (+9 with visor), Use Computer +7, Use the Force +7.
Force Sensitive, Linguist, Martial Arts I, Weapon Proficiencies (pistols, simple weapons).
Wealthy: Each time Inara gains a level (including the level at which you select this talent), you recieve an amount of credits equal to 5,000 x your noble level. You can spend these credits as you see fit. The credits appear in a civilized, accessible location of your choice or in your private bank account.
Clothing (credit chip tied to her account)
Medical Interface Visor
Bandolieer with Medpac
Stun Baton
MDS-50 Medisensor
Medical Kit
Surgery Kit
Medical Interface Visor
This visor contains thousands of preprogrammed medical training tutorials. It analyzes visuals and provides tips and assistance in a variety of medical situations. The medical interface visor allows the wearer to attempt trained-only applications of the Treat Injury skill even if untrained, and grants a +2 equipment bonus on Treat Injury checks. A medical interface visor cannot be worn at the same time as armor with a helmet or any other device worn on the head.
Cost: 1,500 credits
Weight: 0.5kg
Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
The bioscanner is a low-power, handheld scanner used by doctors and medical techicians to help diagnose medical conditions in their patients. One or two passes over the patient collects biological information. The scanner display vital statistics and analyzes and disgnoses any anomalies on file in the scanner's medical database. The device grants its users a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (life sciences) checks made to identify ailments.
Cost: 3,500 credits
Weight: 0.5kg
Clone Wars Campaign Guide
MDS-50 Medisensor
Sweeping this small, handheld sensor over the subject's body produces a summary of the patient's vital signs. An MDS-50 medical sensor can be used as a swift action on an adjacent creature or character, providing the user with the target's current hit points, its place on the condition track, and the presence of (but no specifics on) diseases, poison, or radiation sickness.
Cost: 75 credits
Weight: 0.1kg
Threats of the Galaxy
Credits in her account
10 credits
Planned Generation for Ability Scores
25 points total
2 points in Strength (score of 10)
3 points in Dexterity (score of 11)
2 points in Constitution (score of 10)
6 points in Intelligence (score of 14)
6 points in Wisdom (score of 14)
6 points in Charisma (score of 14)