Organize your Dice Expressions
Sometimes we lose track of the little "+1"s that come and go, which at critical junctures can be the difference between success and failure. So, it is important to track them.
Specifically, for Circumstance or Status bonuses and other miscellaneous modifiers, please include clear indication in your dice expressions ex. "{dice=Attack with Inspire Courage (+1/+1) vs Monster}1d20+15+1; 2d8+4+1{/dice}" instead of "{dice=Attack}1d20+16; 2d8+5{/dice}"
If a DC you are rolling against is known, consider putting it directly into the expression ex. “{dice=Recall Knowledge w/ Arcana vs DC 15}1d20+7{/dice}”. This helps me to adjudicate it immediately without having to scroll.
Relatedly, to minimize confusion and shenanigans, Roll Dice in the correct Order of Operations. For example, if on a monster's turn you are prompted to make a Saving Throw, resolve it first thing in your next post, then post your 3 Actions + 1 Reaction, then conduct any End of Turn effects, etc.