About Imperia VoraliusBackground:
Imperia had always had magic in her blood. That and a bit of Cheliax, but she didn’t talk much about that in Andoran. She had been schooled at the prestigious Acadamae in Korvosa and magic touched every aspect of her life, including her faith. The Book of Magic was the only holy text more frequently read in the Acadamae than The Asmodean Monograph and its various supplemental volumes. Nethys, fortunately, was not a god who demanded much from his followers but ample use of magic in whatever form they could provide. It worked out well, because one could generally pick and choose what parts of his holy text to abide by and still be generally in the right. It had been a clear and simple choice for Imperia when she became a priest of Nethys, though how the people (especially the Hellknights) of Cheliax would respond to a follower of such an unpredictable god threw a wrench in her plans of going home. Of course, if freedom of religion was what she was looking for, there was no freer place in the world than Andoran. And it would keep her close enough to home that she could visit family at least once a year without too much difficulty. Rather than take the most direct route to her intended destination, she spent some time not so much preaching, but teaching the ways of magic and the benefits it had on communities who used it responsibly. By the time she made it to Piren’s Bluff, a small town that acted as a first defense at the only pass through the Aspodell Mountains, she had collected enough arcane tomes to build herself quite a library. Rather than keep such a fine collection of knowledge to herself, she elected to establish her own small church dedicated to Nethys. The place was well received by the locals if for no other reason there was something comforting about having a place to help young magic users get a reign on their own abilities and perhaps learn some restraint. But her life was uprooted when a summons came. The democratic process was something she was still uncertain of and she rarely participated, but when her name was drawn as a new Commissioner, she could hardly say no. She wasn’t entirely sure she was allowed to say no, but either way, democracy was the law of the land and she was not about to spit in the face of government and legal process. The Chelaxian in her forbids it! She left most of her belongings behind as a donation to the church, including her apprentice who was to take over the place in her stead. At the very least, news of an old friend becoming a Councilor had reached her ears. At least she’d have one ally in the political waters. It had actually been him who had suggested she try out Andoran when she had graduated from the Acadamae. So here she is in Almas. Capitol of the Birthplace of Freedom! If she’s here to be a representative of the people, than the people she shall represent! Maybe push for funding for a right and proper school of magic while she’s at it. Now if only someone would show her where the loo is...
Relationship with the Councilor:
You make some strong bonds in your ten years at the Acadamae. You have to if you plan on surviving to see graduation. ‘Survive’ being used in the most literal sense of the word. Once you entered that school, suddenly nationality and race didn’t matter much. You befriended whoever you figured could help watch your back while you watched theirs. Things were no different for Imperia. She had found a friend with a rather talented and opinionated young fellow from Andoran. He had a passion for politics, especially when it came to personal freedoms. They had had more than one or two falling outs over the Halfling slaves of Cheliax, but usually a close scrape with a deadly devil summoned in secret or some other near-death experience reforged the bond. Their friendship survived the decade they spent together in school. In that time he had opened her eyes to new ways of thinking that would have been near blasphemous in Cheliax. She had even come to admit that perhaps enslaving a race entirely based on the fact that they were good slaves was probably not the most correct way of going about things. When she had made her decision to become a Priest of Nethys, it was no wonder she sought his counsel on the matter. How could she go home when she wasn’t sure she’d be lynched on the spot? “Come to Andoran,” he had said. “Practice freely, teach others, and live without fear.” Well, wasn’t that just like him to give her a logical solution. Sure, just don’t go home. It was just sensical enough to make a girl mad! What happened to the days of meaningless, sympathetic clichés?! But, like always, he was right.
Despite their difference in upbringing and initial arguments on the matter, Imperia now sees eye to eye with the Councilor on the issue of racial equality. Though that doesn't stop her from playing the devil's advocate when they discuss such matters. She's even become supporter of the efforts of organizations such as the Bellflower Network (something she'd never have thought possible even just five years ago). Some Possible Goals: ~ create a binding legal document that secures the rights and freedoms of all racial communities within Andoran, with none having more or less rights than the others (including humans) ~ to encourage the government to openly declare support for the Bellflower Network's efforts in Cheliax and other slaving nations Of course, Imperia has some of her own ideas and goals as well. Some of them serve as a reminder that her roots ran deep in Cheliax.
2nd (prepare 0/day, DC17) — admonishing ray, knock (DC18) 1st (prepare 2/day, DC16) — alarm, feather fall, hold portal, invisibility alarm, peacebond, mage armor, magic missile, memory lapse (DC16), memorize page, summon monster I, vanish 0 (prepare 5/day, DC15) — acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sounds, haunted fey aspect, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, spark, touch of fatigue
Imperia Voralius
Familiar Stats:
Ziggip Resolute raven familiar 3 Tiny magical beast(familiar) Initiative +2; Senses darkvision, low-light vision; Perception +9 ============================= DEFENSE ============================= AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural armor, +2 size) hp 8 (3d8-3) Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +5 Defensive Abilities improved evasion Resistance acid 5, cold 5, fire 5 ============================= OFFENSE ============================= Speed 10ft, fly 40ft (average) Melee bite +5(1d3-4) Special Attacks smite chaos 1/day Space 2 ½ft; Reach 0ft ============================= STATISTICS ============================= Strength 2 (-4), Dexterity 15 (+2), Constitution 8 (-1), Intelligence 7 (-2), Wisdom 15 (+2), Charisma 7 (-2) Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 7 Feats Skill Focus(Perception), Weapon Finesse Skills Diplomacy +1 ranks +3, ability score -2 Fly +6 class skill +3, ranks +1, ability score +2 Knowledge(arcana) +1 ranks +3, ability score -2 Knowledge(local) +1 ranks +3, ability score -2 Knowledge(planes) +1 ranks +3, ability score -2 Knowledge(religion) +1 ranks +3, ability score -2 Perception +9 class skill +3, ranks +1, ability score +2, Skill Focus +3 Sense Motive +5 ranks +3, ability score +2 Spellcraft +1 ranks +3, ability score -2 Stealth +8 class skill +3, ranks +3, ability score +2 Languages Common SQ familiar (+3 to master’s appraise, alertness to master, deliver touch spells, empathic link[1 mile]) |