Almah Rovshki

Imazael's page

80 posts. Alias of Elsine.


Luis Loza wrote:
No need for a link! I'm here to let you know that Focus Pools are still capped at a maximum of 3 Focus Points.

Can I ask why have the cap? The possibility of characters with large focus pools is very limited because of the limit on classes with lots of focus spell options, and it is clear that right now Focus spells are so restrictive in their use that only a few classes ever bother to use them regularly even if they have them.

I think having the option for a larger pool would really revolutionize build options for characters. And for classes like Monks it would make a whole Ki build possible and competitive. Whereas now a Ki focused Monk would just kind of suck because maxing out Wisdom means not having good AC or Attack potential. Plus given that Monk DC proficiency doesn't scale competitively with other casters even a Monk that can cast Ki blast 6 times will likely not out perform a sorcerer that casting fireballs and chain lightning. Sure he can get his focus back with a 10 minute rest now if he takes the 12th level feat. But most groups and campaigns don't have encounter after encounter, and even if they do they have time for taking the 1 hour medicine check breaks to heal everyone up for free.

I really don't see what you guys are afraid of with larger focus pools.

I'm curious to see that no one on this thread about monk weapons has made mention of the fact that monk weapons plus flurry of maneuvers lets you grapple and trip an opponent at a range of 10 feet. Making it essentially impossible for them to reach you. On their round as they will have to Escape, Stand Up and Move to get with in melee with you. Only the Kusarigama and Bo staff can do this or I guess an ancestral weapon with reach trait. Further more you can grapple targets at 10 feet, with the first attack of Flurry and then attack with the next one. If the target fails to escape on their turn on your second turn they start off grabbed, which means you can flurry to attack them twice while they are flat-footed. Then if you are level 6 and have Whirling Throw feat you can then attempt to Throw the enemy for 10 + 5x(str mod), which at this level should be +4. This means you will do another 3d6 damage on a roll without MAP. This is two actions on your second turn letting you use another action to move, aid, take cover, seek, intimidate, whatever... Even if the enemy can break the grapple that is two actions to get to you and they are at the -5 MAP for their one attack that round. If you are playing with free archetypes, many of the wrestler feats I think work with this tactic, and some are just duplicates freeing up other useful monk feats. No combat stance lets you do this. I guess the shadow grasp stance (which is a focus stance). And if you are building this you can probably dip into fighter and get Attack of opportunity as well to add to this mix at higher levels.. Not to mention that weapon traits give you an item bonus to the check. Yes at higher levels you can get other magic items that do this, but at 2nd level this is the only way to consistently get +1 to trip. And Every +1 Matters in Pathfinder.

The sad thing about Monk weapons is that it is feat intensive, and restricted to Monk weapons. It would be cool to be able to have more ways of making weapons without the Monk trait be Monk weapons... I think if you gave the crit specialization as part of the Monastic Weaponry feat it would make things more attractive. Also I should point out that unlike a stance you can have your weapon already drawn and ready before combat gaining you one action on the first round. I think some more stances that work for weapons only would be fun to have.

Okay, I have literally the same question about obtaining the Kusarigama for Pathfinder Society play. From what I understand I need to use a boon to get access to the weapon. Which boon do I need? I see there are various boons to be bought with Adventure Points that give Uncommon items but I have no idea which one I would need.