Ignatus the Tyrant |

Ignatus listened to the explanation calmly. His face devoid of emotion beyond a raising eyebrow at the potentially greater reward to come.
Once given the chance, he would produce questions to better their understand of the task laid out before them. He did not know those around him beyond Cimri, but he wanted to make sure every one of them understood what they were suppose to do.
"How much should we take from this proprietor? And how should we handle any resistance?"
Simple questions, but with answers that would lead them clearly in the time ahead. He was eager to ask about the potential for greater glory, but he did not want to pull their attention from the task at hand. He needed this random group focused so that he could progress the plans of House Thrune, further the church's goals, and of course increase his own glory and standing.
I'm working on finishing up adding his animal companion in and his equipment list. With that in mind, how should we handle animal companion hit dice? Max as well?
It sounds like it will be a blast. Thanks for the chance to play.
Edit: Idnatus should be finished up at this point in time. Please let me know if you have any questions or something that you would like me to change.