Blue Dragon

Igaraise Thunder-fang's page

95 posts. Organized Play character for Sedoriku.


HP 24/24 | AC: 19 (21 w/shield) | F +5 R +6 W +10 | Perc +8 |


20 feet | Spell DC 18 | 1 Hero points|Exploration Activity: Raise Shield | Active Conditions: none


NG ‘Hey You’ Dragonscaled Kobold Druid 2 |

About Igaraise Thunder-fang

PFS Information:
PFS Number: 108507-2007
Experience: 12
Home Region: The Tapestry
Gold: ???

Training: Spells

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance: 12
Grand Archive: 0
Horizon Hunters: 0
Vigilant Seal: 0

Minor Factions
Radiant Oath: 0
Verdant Wheel: 0
All Faction Reputation: 0

Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 12

Purchased Boons:
Envoy’s Alliance (Faction) (0 Fame) (the Champion boon for your first faction is free)

Character sheet:

Ethnicity: Dragonscaled
Nationality: Hao Jin’s Tapestry
Birthplace: Does it matter?
Age: 80-something
Gender & Pronouns: Never had time for ‘gender’ and ‘Hey you’ ‘s fine, but if you have to, they/them.
Height: 2’ 5”
Weight: 53 lbs
Physical Appearance:


Kobold (Dragonscaled)
Background: Tapestry Refugee
Class: Druid; Level: 2; Experience: 12
Medium Humanoid, Kobold
Deity: Does Hao Jin count?

Languages: Common, Draconic, Tien

Perception: +8 (4 wis) + (4 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Special Senses: Darkvision




AC: 19 (10 + (2 dex) + (4 prof) + (3 item)) [T]

Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [T], Heavy: [U]

Fortitude: +5 ((1 con) + (4 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Reflex: +6 ((2 dex) + (4 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Will: +10 ((4 wis) + (6 prof) + (0 item)) [E]



Spell DC: 18 (10 + (4 key stat) + (4 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Speed 20 feet

Ranged Strikes

Electric Arc Cantrip, Electricity, Evocation
Save Basic Reflex DC 18
Damage 1d4+4 Electricity

DC 18 Basic Reflex Save or take [dice=electricity damage]1d4+4[/dice]

Tempest Surge Uncommon, Air Druid, Electricity, Evocation, Focus
Save Basic Reflex DC 18
Damage 1d12 Electricity

DC 18 Basic Reflex Save or take [dice=electricity damage]1d12[/dice] If they fail, clumsy 2 for 1 round and 1 persistent Electricity damage

Disrupt Undead Innate, Cantrip, Necromancy, Positive
Save Basic Fort DC 16
Damage 1d6+2 Positive

DC 16 Basic Fort Save or take [dice=positive damage]1d6+4[/dice]


Ray of Frost Attack, Cantrip, Cold, Evocation
Attack +8
Damage 1d4+4 Cold
If a critical hit, -10 to movement speed double damage

[dice=Ray of frost]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Cold damage]1d4+4[/dice]


Spout Cantrip, Water, Evocation
Save Basic Reflex DC 18
Damage 1d4+4 Bludgeoning

DC 18 Basic Reflex Save or take [dice=Bludgeoning damage]1d4+4[/dice]


Dagger Thrown 10 ft.
Attack +6
Damage 1d4 Slashing

[dice=Damage, slashing]1d4[/dice]


Melee Strikes

Dagger Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S
Attack +6
Damage 1d4 slashing

[dice=Damage, Slashing]1d4[/dice]



STR +0 (10), DEX +2 (14), CON +1 (12), INT +0 (10), WIS +4 (18), CHA +2 (14)

Skills and Languages:

Acrobatics: +4 = (2 dex) + (4 prof) + (0 item) - (2 armor) [T]
Arcana: +1 = (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Athletics: -2 = (0 str) + (0 prof) + (0 item) - (2 armor) [U]
Crafting: +5 = (1 int) + (4 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Deception: +1 = (1 cha) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Diplomacy: +1 = (1 cha) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Intimidation: +1 = (1 cha) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Lore (Sewers): +5 = (1 int) + (4 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Lore (Architecture): +5 = (1 int) + (4 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Medicine: +8 = (4 wis) + (4 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Nature: +8 = (4 wis) + (4 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Occultism: +1 = (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Performance: +1 = (0 cha) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Religion: +8 = (4 wis) + (4 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Society: +1 = (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Stealth: +0 = (2 dex) + (0 prof) + (0 item) - (2 armor) [U]
Survival: +8 = (4 wis) + (4 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Thievery: +0 = (2 dex) + (0 prof) + (0 item) - (2 armor) [U]

Languages Common, Draconic, Tien

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Special 1st: Draconic Exemplar (Blue)
Heritage []Dragonscaled Kobold[/url]

1st: Kobold Breath
Breath a 30 foot line of electricity for 1d4 Electric damage, Spell DC basic save.

Skill Feats

Background: Assurance (Medicine)
2nd level: Battle Medicine


General Feats
None, yet


Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Order: [] Storm[/url] gives access to Tempest Surge focus spell, a focus pool, the Storm Born feat and training in Acrobatics.
Feature 1st: Anathema

  • Using metal armor or shields.
  • Despoiling natural places.
  • Teaching the Druidic language to non-druids.
  • Polluting the air or allowing those who cause major air pollution or climate shifts to go unpunished
    Feature 1st: Wild Empathy, use Diplomacy on animals for simple Requests
    Feature 1st: Primal Spellcasting: Can cast spells
    2nd level feat: Oder Explorer For Wave Order


    Bonus Feats
    Shield Block

  • ===================

    Combat Gear:
    Dagger (.2 L), Explorer’s clothes (.1 L), Material Components pouch (.5 L), Holly and Mistltoe (- -), Hide Armor (2 2), Wooden Shield (1 1)

    Magic Items:

    Feather token (ladder) (3, L), Minor Potion of Healing (4, L), Holy water (3 L)

    Other Gear:
    Adventurer’s pack (backpack, a bedroll, two belt pouches, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks’ rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin; 1, 1.5), Mirror (-, 1), crowbar (.5 L), Soap (.02 -), Playing cards (.5 -), Writing Set (1 L)

    Bulk: 4 bulk 8 light of 5 bulk max

    11 gp 0 sp 8 cp

    To buy:

    Temporary Items:
    Pathfinder Training Items
    Scroll of Heal

    Discovered in Scenario
    None Yet

    Primal DC 18, Spell attack +8 [T]
    Innate Primal DC 16, Spell attack +6 [T]
    Disrupt Undead
    Electric Arc
    Healing Plaster
    Ray of Frost

    1st level
    Horizon Thunder Sphere

    Scenarios and Tracking:
    Chronicle #1: Intro 2: United in Purpose
    Starting equipment:

    Holly and Mistletoe (-),
    Material components pouch (5 sp),
    Dagger (2 sp)
    Feather token (ladder) (3 gp),
    Adventurer’s pack (1 gp 5 sp),
    Clothing (Explorer’s) (1 sp),
    Mirror (1 gp),
    crowbar (5 sp),
    writing set (1 gp),
    Soap (2 cp),
    Playing cards (5 sp)
    Minor Healing Potion (4 gp)

    Chronicle #2: Intro 1: Second Confirmation


    Writing Set
    Holy water

    Downtime: Earn income [url pending]Link[/url]

    Chronicle #3: Beginner’s Box Level 1
    Downtime: Earn income [url pending =]Link[/url]

    Chronicle #4: Intro 2: United in Purpose
    [url =]Sheet pending[/url ]
    Purchases:[url =]Link[/url]


    Put purchases in here

    Downtime: Earn income [url =]Link[/url]

    Chronicle #???: Blank form
    [url =]Sheet pending[/url ]
    Purchases:[url =]Link[/url]


    Put purchases in here

    Downtime: Earn income [url =]Link[/url]
    BOT ME!:
    Igariase prefers to use their Tempest surge spell if they haven’t yet in the fight and then stick to Electric Arc until everything is dead. Their preferred third action is to Raise his Shield.

    Tempest Surge:
    DC 18 Basic Reflex Save or take [dice=electricity damage]1d12[/dice] If they fail, clumsy 2 for 1 round and 1 persistent Electricity damage

    Electric Arc:
    DC 18 Basic Reflex Save or take [dice=electricity damage]1d4+4[/dice]
