Ice_Deep's page

Organized Play Member. 225 posts. 1 review. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

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I heard they was making a 2E and I was excited! Yes, finally they can remake the core rulebook and include things like archtypes, traits, etc in the base book! I seriously considered ordering the actual books because I thought it's going to be a year between pre-release and the release.

The rules can be cleaned up, give things a polish and make them smoother and fix some things that need fixing.

Then the previews started, and the more I saw the more I thought... This is going to be horrible and not a system I want to play. I decided no I will just wait for the free PDF's.

I actually reupped my subscription to some products because I thought "I need to get another AP or 2 before this system stops getting product released" and "I need to re-order my core books before they go out of print so I have newer books with more up to date errata and to replace my damaged core book".

I did think well I will give the pre-release a chance and actually play in it to see if maybe I am just having a knee jerk reaction. And I still plan to sometime in the next week or two to try and play on roll20 in some games of the doomsday scenario.

The reason I am going to do this is because I remember my knee-jerk reaction to PF 1E, I told my friends why leave 3.5? I still really dislike some changes in 1E (removal of ORB spells, no warlock, etc) but it grew into something I enjoyed. Maybe 2E will eventually do that, or maybe actually playing will change my mind.

But honestly there is some things that I just can't see me coming around to like the following:

1. Build rules of PC's and NPC's being different. This breaks the immersion for me.

2. Spells not leveling up with the caster but not greatly increasing the number of spells per day casters get. This means that casters will get just a handful of useful spells which was already a issue in the switch from 3.5->1E for me. I thought maybe getting cantrips that auto-level up with you would make up for this but they level up at a pitiful rate.

"Heightened (3rd) Damage increases to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier, persistent damage increases to 2.
Heightened (5th) Damage increases to 2d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier, persistent damage increases to 3.
Heightened (7th) Damage increases to 3d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier, persistent damage increases to 4.
Heightened (9th) Damage increases to 4d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier, persistent damage increases to 5."

I am sorry about wasting 2 actions to do 2d4+5 and persistent damage of 3 around 7th level is just laughable. It bothered me as a caster primary player in 1E when I had similar options because I knew I had high level spells that had great effect on things. But when I can no longer do things like use fireball at level 7 to do 7d6 because it's locked to the 3rd level version of the spell unless I use up a high level slot it's really annoying to me.

3. Locking good spell outcomes behind critical success but then locking attribute raising at character creation to 18 MAX.

4. Not having skill points means everyone is good at everything and one person is a "little better" which means nobody is special.

5. Resonance doesn't make any sense and kills immersion. Having things like bag of holding being a activated item just takes it from bad to horrible.

I said it during the previews and I will say it now and likely after I play some one-off's. This feels like someone took a video game and made it into a RPG and thats not why I play RPG's.

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Everyone keeps forgetting the Dinosaur familiar from Beastiary II that gives +4 Initiative!


Good list here though, only a few classes really get the benefit of improving their initiative.

Oracles can with the right selections get bonuses

Divine Wizards get 1/2 there CL to initiative and always get to act in surprise rounds

Not to familiar with monks though.