Tablark Hammergrind

Iarann Thunderstriker's page

99 posts. Organized Play character for Chris Marsh.


| HP 149/149 AC: 28| F: +19 R: +17, W: +17 (Bravery) | Perc: +18 (M, Darkvision)


Class Abilities:
Default Exploration: Search


Male, CN, Dwarf

Strength 19
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Iarann Thunderstriker

Agent: #1824-2002
Ancestry (Heritage) and Background: Dwarf (Strong-Blooded) Martial Disciple
Class: Fighter
Level: 9 XP: 102
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 65 (Born 4655) Gender: Male
Languages: Taldane, Dwarven

Pathfinder Society Training


  • Gladiatorial Lore
  • Hefty Hauler

    Physical Description:

    Iarann has a MASSIVE crush on Eliza Petulengro

    Perception: +18 (M) (Battlefield Surveyor: Go before enemy on tie.)
    Senses: Darkvision

    AC: 28 (+1 Stanching Resilient Full Plate)
    Fortitude: +17 Reflex: +16 Will: +17
    Speed: 30' (Fleet + Item Bonus)
    Poison Resistance: 4 (Increased effect on saves v. poison)
    Special: Shield Block

    Defense Proficiencies:

    FORT: Master
    REF: Expert
    WILL: Expert
    Unarmored: Trained
    Light Armor: Trained
    Medium Armor: Trained
    Heavy Armor: Trained

    Melee: +1 Frost Dwarven Waraxe of striking: +19 (2d12+7 [color=blue]+1d6 Cold[/color], Sweep, +4 DMG v. Grapped/Prone/Restrained, Crit = FORT DC 24 or Slowed 1 until end of my next turn. )


    +1 Clan Dagger of striking: +19 (2d4+6)

    Ranged: +1 Composite Shortbow of striking +16 (2d6+5, Deadly d10, Felling Strike)

    Offense Proficiencies:

    Weapon Specialization: +2 with Expert, +3 with Master, +4 with Legendary
    Unarmed Strikes: Expert
    Simple Weapons: Expert
    Martial Weapons: Expert
    Axe Group: Master
    Advanced Weapons: Trained
    Special Proficiencies:

    Attack of Opportunity

  • Trigger:A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
  • Effect: Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.
    Shield Block
  • Trigger:Take damage from physical attack while shield is up
  • Effect: Ignore damage equal to shield's hardness. Remaining damage taken by self and shield.

    Resist Harm

  • Trigger: You would take damage;
  • Effect: You gain resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, positive, and sonic damage equal to 1 plus your reputation tier against one attack, spell, or effect. This applies only to the initial effect, not to any subsequent attacks or damage dealt by the effect (such as persistent damage or an ongoing hazard).

    Class Abilities & Focus Spells
    ◆, ◆◆, or ◆◆◆

  • Bravery: Success v. fear = Crit, Frightened is -1
  • Fighter Weapon Mastery (Axes): Simple, Martial, Unarmed, Dwarf is Master, Advanced is Expert
  • Battlefield Surveyor: Perception to Master +2 to Initiative
  • Weapon Specialization:[/b] +2 dmg with Expert, +3 with Master, +4 with Legendary
  • Recovery checks when Dying are DC 6 (Toughness and Mountain's Stoutness)
  • Combat Flexibility (If I forget, assume Power Attack[/url]
    Skill: +Mod (Proficiency)
    Acrobatics: +13 (T, +1 Item)
    Arcana: +0 (U)
    Athletics: +19 (M)
    - Assurance = 26
    - Titan Wrestler
    Athletics (Leap): +21 (M)
    - Quick Jump
    - Horizontal max: 35', Vertical Maxes: 11'/8'/6'/0'
    Crafting: +11 (T)
    Deception: -1 (U)
    Diplomacy: -1 (U)
    Intimidation: +14 (M)
    - Intimidating Glare
    - Intimidating Prowess
    Lore(Gladiatorial ): +11 (T)
    Lore (Warfare): +11 (T)
    Medicine: +14 (T)
    Nature: +2 (U)
    Occultism: +0 (U)
    Performance: -1 (U)
    Religion: +2 (U)
    Society: +2 (U)
    Stealth: +1 (U)
    Survival: () (+1 Circumstance Underground)
    Thievery: +1 (U)


  • Ancestry: Dwarven Weapon Familiarity
  • Background: Quick Jump
  • Fighter 1 (Class): Sudden Charge (Flourish, Open)
  • Fighter 2 (Class): Dragging Strike (Fighter, Press)
  • Fighter 2 (Skill): Assurance (Athletics)
  • Fighter 3 (General): Toughness
  • Fighter 4 (Class): Swipe
  • Fighter 4 (Skill):Titan Wrestler
  • Ancestor 5: Dwarven Cunning
  • Pathfinder (Feat): Hefty Hauler
  • Fighter 6 (Class): Advantageous Assault
  • Fighter 6 (Skill): Intimidating Glare
  • Fighter 7 (General): Fleet
  • Fighter 8: Felling Strike
  • Skill 8: Intimidating Prowess
  • Ancestry 9: Mountain's Stoutness


    Bulk: , L (Encumbered: , Maximum: )
    Invested: 1/10
    Money: Gp

    Weapons: , L (Dwarven Waraxe, Clan Dagger)
    Armor: 5 (+1 Stanching Resilient Full Plate)
    Misc. Worn:

    Backpack: (Bulk: 1, 1L /4)
    Bedroll (L)
    50' Rope (L)
    Rations (14 Days) (2L)
    Soap (-)
    Torch (L)
    Torch (L)
    Torch (L)
    Torch (L)
    Torch (L)
    Waterskin (L)
    Crowbar (L)

    Belt Pouch (Left): (Bulk: 0/4L)
    Chalk (10) (-)
    Flint and Steel (-)

    Belt Pouch (Right): (Bulk: 0/4L)
    Engraved Wayfinder
    Bandolier: (Bulk: 0/8L)

    Bracelet of Dashing
    Boots of Bounding